This jupyter notebook was made to analyze the data from Brazilian elections congressperson, the data is coming from Base dos Dados.
- Data access;
- EDA (Exploratory data analysis);
- Data formating;
- Data visualization
- Insights
- References
Create your access to the Base dos Dados:
If you want to proceed with the traditional way, here is the steps to get everything installed:
- Installing requirements -> check the
requirements folder
to install all dependencies; - Explore the jupyter notebook inside
src folder
-> brazilian-election-basedosdados-pt.ipynb.
- Installing requirements -> check the
The analysis is available in PT-Portuguese and EN-English:
- Portuguese version:
- English version:
- Portuguese version:
- Interactive app -> Migrate analysis to a web app using Streamlit;
- Elaborate advanced visualization -> Elaborate advanced visualization with a BI tool as Power BI, Tableau and similars.