Load custom UIViews into the AppSwitcher
- SwitcherLoader loads your view from a bundle from /Library/SwitcherLoader/Plugins
- Must be a valid NSBundle
- The NSPricipalClass must be a subclass of a UIView
- The bundle identifier must be set
- Custom names and icons can be loaded by setting the name key and the icon key, icon must be in bundle
- SwitcherLoader does check the MinimumOSVersion key in the bundle's plist, if you want any system version leave it blank
- SwitcherLoader calls upon the initWithFrame: method, giving the view the frame of of the AppSwitchers height and width
- Currently there is no support for viewDidAppear and viewDidDisappear methods
- You can easily start a plugin by using this theos nic template: https://github.com/Fr0zenSun/SwitcherLoader/blob/master/SwitcherLoader_plugin.nic
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