This code is based on [this tensorflow tutorial]:
#How to run ?
Step-1: Have your training data somewhere. This would be the path you will provide as one of the parameter while running "" script.
Step-2:Understand the useful flags present in the script.
Step-3: Start training the model by running following command : $python --image_dir "/shared/kgcoe-research/mil/kaggle_data/cervical_cancer/train/" <-- This is where I have stored the data.
Step-4:(Optional) It is nice to see how your model is doing. If you are running locally then just type : $tensorboard --logdir /tmp/retrain_logs/ (Or whereever you are stoing the summary logs) Go to to obserbe model's performance.
If you are running remotely then, redo ssh with following flag: ssh -L 16006: user_name@my_server tensorboard --logdir /tmp/retrain_logs/ Go to to see the model performance.
Other flags : --image_dir --output_graph --output_labels --summaries_dir --how_many_training_steps --learning_rate --testing_percentage --validation_percentage --eval_step_interval --train_batch_size --test_batch_size --validation_batch_size --print_misclassified_test_images --model_dir --bottleneck_dir --final_tensor_name --flip_left_right --random_crop --random_scale --random_brightness