The effect of environment-dependent dispersal rate on the relative abundance of native and nonnative snails
Combining snail movement data, a metacommunity model, and Bayesian inference to determine how environmental changes affect native and nonnative snail abundances
Manuscript.pdf is the report of the questions this project investigated, the experiments and analyses performed, the results and their relevance.
Presentation.pptx is a powerpoint presentation that details the experimental design and provides some descriptive statistics and photographs of the study system.
The raw data is contained in the following files: Snail.Data.txt Snail.Groups.txt native1.txt native2.txt nonnative1.txt nonnative2.txt mixed1.txt mixed2.txt
Snails.R contains the analysis of the raw data and plots of the data.
Metacommunity_Simulations.R contains the mechanistic model and the Bayesian analysis of the data/model.