Webpage that displays results from cubecomps, geared to projectors at big competitions.
important! This software is in early stages of development, and is likely to change in the future. The current version is considered stable enough to be used as is.
Download the files Open both control.html and display.html in 2 browsertabs (need to be the same browser). Move the tab with display.html to the projector output / secondary screen.
On control.html choose your competition, and the events you want to display. Events that are finished or live (currently results are entered) are marked as such.
The display page will automatically pick up the changes you make on the control page, and show the events one by one, scrolling down if there are more results than fit on the screen, and then scrolling up again.
The display page has a newsticker build in, on the bottom of the screen. When you click the announcements button on the control page, you can add announcements to display, as well as the time (in minutes) how long they should display. Announcements can also be edited and removed here.
If you want to change the styling of the display, feel free to edit display.css after downloading the files.