seq2seq model in keras extended from addition to all four basic computations (+, -, *, /)
code taken from here:
original source seems to be:
u need to define log- and checkpoint- path as well as log_file name in the ''.
since I dont like using the keras FLAG stuff, this is my way to get global variables like path etc. using the global character of the imported variables.
at the end of each epoch u will get validation examples. to see how good it got so far. also the model will be saved at this point(3x). as it will be at the end of training.
during training there is a custom logfile written. it needs to be opened manually from another console. then its possible to watch the learning curves. (the matplotlib code is messy. sry, its old. I just quickly adapted it for this project.)
new training batches are being created before every epoch now, conclusion is, that way, it cannot overfit so easily.
the current model takes quite some time to train. I am still experimenting with 'val_accuracy=0.9200' atm. so not every answer is correct. in my eyes it needs val_accuracy 0.99 at least to be trusted.
whats missing is user input to manually type in questions and hit enter for answer(s). feel free to test. have fun.