Some useful tools. Finished:
- rqtrans
- Add Upload-Download mode, see usage for details
Implement a TCP based application protocol, which support text, file and directory transfer. Protocol Design:
<separator>: space
<phase>: s, t, c
Connection Setup Phase:
s <type> <force>\n
<type>: 1 char f d t
<force>: 1 char y n
f for file
d for directory
t for text
Transfer Phase:
t <length>\n<text>
t <fname> <size>\n<file bytes>
<size> is unsigned long int
t <expected number>\n
t <isDir> <name> <size>\n<file bytes>
t <isDir> <name> <size>\n<file bytes>
<isDir>: 'd' or 'f', 'd' represents directory, 'f' represents file
for example:
t f hello 209\nfadsfsdalfjlsdjf....
t d dir1 0\n
Close Connection Phase:
200 OK: <msg>\n
400 ERROR: <msg>\n
Some special case:
case 1: there exists space in file name
replace " " with "\s"
replace "\" with "\\"
replace '\n' with "\n"
Unix based system.
Execute 'make'
- This tool can be used to transfer text, file and directory.
- Run server mode on the destination side and run client mode on the source side.
- Add Upload-download mode, run the server mode on remote server. Any client config this server can upload and download files or directories.
Client Mode:
File/Directory Transfer:
rqtrans <destination host> <file/directory>
-f: force overwrite target file, only valid for file transfer.
-p: destination port, default is 9819
rqtrans -f -p <port> <destination host> <file/directory>
Text Transfer:
rqtrans -t <destination host> <text>
-p: destination port, default is 9819
rqtrans -p <port> -t <destination host> <text>
Server Mode:
rqtrans -l
-o: write files to which directory, default is current directory.
-p: listening port, default is 9819
rqtrans -l -p <port> -o <target directory>
New mode: Upload-Download
# firstly, config the server
rqtrans config <host> <port>
# then you can download and upload files or directories easily.
rqtrans download -o <dest path>
rqtrans upload <file/directory>
# set up a server
rqtrans server -p <port>