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Ayumi - AI-powered chat assistant for telegram



  • Text generation ✔️
  • Image generation ✔️
  • Speech-to-text ✔️
  • Inline mode support ✔️
  • Private chat support ✔️
  • Access management system with different levels of access ✔️
  • Group chat support coming soon


Useful links

Usage guide

Clone repository

git clone

Install dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Configure environment variables

Set each property using .env file or via cli

Required variables

Variable Description Hint
DATABASE_URI Database credentials PostgreSQL + asyncpg, format: postgresql+asyncpg://{POSTGRES_USER}:{POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@{POSTGRES_HOST}:{POSTGRES_PORT}/{POSTGRES_DB}
TELEGRAM_TOKEN Telegram bot token visit BotFather and create your own bot
TELEGRAM_OWNER_ID Telegram admin id use GetIDsBot to get your account id
TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME Telegram bot name this name is used as filter for prompts, e.g: TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME, hello! or TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME@i, image of a cute kitten.
OPENAI_PROJECT_ID OpenAI project ID visit OpenAI and create a new project
OPENAI_SECRET_KEY OpenAI API token create a new API-KEY for a created project on OpenAI platform

Additional variables

Used in docker-compose case, don't forget to build a DATABASE_URI in proper way
Example: postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:postgres_secret@postgres:5432/test_database

Variable Description Hint
POSTGRES_USER Database user postgres for example
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Database password postgres_secret for example
POSTGRES_DB Database name test_database for example

Edit app_config.toml if needed

For example, you can replace the gpt-4o-mini text-model with gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-4o, but don't forget to enable this model in your project settings on OpenAI platform


  • security

    • levels - a list of supported security levels in ascending order
    • zero - this value is used in keyboard.access_keyboard and handlers.admin.access_callback to represent negative access response
  • - define required security levels for AI features here

    • textgen - security level to access text generation feature
    • textgen_inline - security level to access text generation in inline mode
    • speech_to_text - security level to access speech-to-text feature
    • imagegen - security level to access image generation feature
  • inline.query

    • min_len - min length of a prompt in inline mode
  • locale

    • languages - a list of supported languages
  • logger

    • level - logger level, supported levels:
      • DEBUG - default
      • INFO
      • WARNING
      • ERROR
      • CRITICAL
  • openai

    • directive - Answers the question: "How to act?", for textgen and textgen_inline
  • locale.translator - supports all gettext.translation function params

  • openai.text - supports all function params

  • openai.image - supports all openai.client.images.generate function params

  • openai.speech_to_text - supports all function params

  • sqlalchemy - supports all SQLAlchemy.create_async_engine function params

levels = [1, 2, 3]
zero = 0

textgen = 1
textgen_inline = 1
speech_to_text = 2
imagegen = 3

pool_pre_ping = false
echo = false

languages = ["en", "uk"]

domain = "messages"
localedir = "locale"

level = "DEBUG"

directive = "Your name is Ayumi. You are a helpful telegram chat assistant. Act like a human. Respond in language you are asked."

model = "gpt-4o-mini"

size = "1024x1024"
model = "dall-e-3"

response_format = "text"
model = "whisper-1"

min_len = 3

See available cli commands

python --help

Recreate database schemas

Current version of Ayumi supports only async version of SQLAlchemy (tested only with PostgreSQL database and asyncpg driver).

python --reinit

Start bot

Don't forget to configure inline mode for your bot with setinline command via BotFather


Docker guide

With remote PostgreSQL database

Don't forget to set required variables in Dockerfile or directly in docker run --env ...

Build the image

docker build -t ayumi .

Create and start a container

docker run --env ... ayumi

Docker compose PostgreSQL + AyumiBot

Create .env file in the project root and configure all required + additional variables.

Build images and start containers

The ayumi_bot container may restart several times, due to the long postgres container init

docker-compose up -d

Pybabel guide

Extract keys

PyBabel automatically extracts all strings (values inside gettext function) from your sources

pybabel extract . -o locale/base.pot

Init new locale

pybabel init -l en -i locale/base.pot -d locale

Update .po files

Always use this after extraction

pybabel update -i locale/base.pot -d locale

Compile locales

Compiles messages.po to files

pybabel compile -d locale