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nsgportal graphical user interface: pop_nsg

Dung Truong edited this page Jul 18, 2024 · 7 revisions

nsgportal graphical user interface: pop_nsg

Interaction with key function in EEGLAB is mostly supported through both, command line and graphical user interface (GUI). The plugin nsgportal also follows this philosophy. In this section, we introduce the GUI supporting the plugin nsgportal through its main function, pop_nsg. A more advanced tutorial on using the plugin from its GUI will be addressed in the next sections (see here).

The pop_nsg GUI

To call the pop_nsg GUI, simply type pop_nsg from the MATLAB command windows. The GUI depicted below will pop up. the GUI can also be invoked from the EEGLAB main GUI by clicking Tools > NSG Tools > Manage NSG jobs. For this, the plugin nsgportal has to be installed before (see this section).


The main functionalities supported from the pop_nsg GUI are listed below:

  1. Submit an EEGLAB job to NSG. See GUI section "Submit new NSG job"
  2. Test NSG jobs locally on your computer.
  3. Delete jobs from your NSG account
  4. Download NSG job results.
  5. Load results from a completed and downloaded NSG job.
  6. Visualize error and intermediate logs
  7. Access pop_nsg help.

GUI main sections

Submitting new NSG job

From this section of the GUI you will be able to test and submit a job for processing in NSG.

Component list:

  1. Edit Job folder or zip file : Full path to the zip file or folder for a job to submit to NSG
  2. Button Browse: Browse a zip file or folder for a job to submit to NSG
  3. Edit Matlab script to execute: Matlab script for NSG to execute upon job submission
  4. Button Test job locally: Test job locally on this computer. A downscaled version of the job MUST be used.
  5. Edit Job ID (default or custom): Unique identifier for the NSG job. Modify this field at your convenience.
  6. Edit NSG run options (see Help): NSG options for the job to be submitted. See >> pop_nsg help for the list of all options.
  7. Button Run job on NSG: Submit the job to run on NSG

Interacting with your jobs

From this section of the GUI, you will be able to interact with the jobs submitted to NSG under your credentials. This section is comprised of the following components:

  1. Button Refresh job list: Refresh the list of all of your NSG jobs.
  2. Checkbox Auto-refresh job list: Automatically refresh the list of all of your NSG jobs.
  3. Button Delete this NSG job: Delete the currently selected job
  4. List box Select job: List of all jobs under your credentials in NSG. A color code is used here to inform on the status of the jobs in this list. The legend can be found below the list box.
  5. Button Matlab output log: Download and display MATLAB command line output for the currently selected job. Intermediate job logs can be also visualized from here. In the figure above, this option appears disabled since there is no current job on the list.
  6. Button Matlab error log: Download and display the MATLAB error log for the currently selected job. In the figure above, this option appears disabled since there is no current job on the list.
  7. Button Download job result: Download result files from the currently selected job
  8. Button Load/plot results: Launch a GUI for loading and displaying results of the currently selected job

Checking your NSG job status

In this section are displayed the messages issued by NSG during the submission and processing of the job currently selected from the list box Select job.