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2.0 Adding Custom Projections

scipio314 edited this page Nov 17, 2016 · 1 revision

You are only as good as your projections, this spreadsheet can only take you so far. By default the spreadsheet takes consensus rankings from Fantasypros, but if you would rather do your own or if you trust someone else, you can do that.

The easiest way to add custom projections is to bring your custom projections into a separate sheet and then use a vlookup formula. Here is how:

Importing from a .csv file

create a new tab in draftKnight and on the data tab select "From Text"
New Tab

Browse to your .csv that contains custom projections. Check the box that says 'comma' as a delimiter. ImportProj

When you hit finish you can import to existing worksheet in cell $A$1 - As a bonus you can save this connection and every week you can overwrite your projections .csv file. Then refresh the data connection each week. To do this go to "Properties"
See below on how to do a vlookup formula

Copying and Pasting from a website

Open a new tab and paste your data into cell $A$1


Once your projections are imported or copied you can use a VLOOKUP formula in cell B2 of the "Custom Projections" tab. Example: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1!$D$2:$I$300,6,FALSE),0). Click for more information on VLOOKUP

Drag your formula down to the bottom of the names. You will probably get a lot of 0's. This means that VLOOKUP didn't find a match for the player. Either the projections didn't have that player in the database (typically with defenses) or the players name is spelled differently. This will be the case with many players (Ex: Le'Veon Bell vs. LeVeon bell). My suggestion is to manually go through the important players and manually type in their projection. Warning: changing the name in the Player column to match your source projections can result in the spreadsheet not recognizing that player during optimizations.

Now that your custom projections are entered, you can go back to the "Dashboard" tab and hit the "Update Sheet" button. The "My Team" page will update with your projections.