PagerDuty Command Line Interface
See the User Guide!
pd analytics:incident
pd analytics:incident:raw
pd auth:add
pd auth:delete
pd auth:get
pd auth:list
pd auth:use
pd auth:web
pd autocomplete [SHELL]
pd commands
pd ep:copy
pd ep:create
pd ep:level:add
pd ep:level:remove
pd ep:list
pd ep:oncall
pd ep:open
pd ep:target:add
pd ep:target:remove
pd help [COMMAND]
pd incident:ack
pd incident:alerts
pd incident:analytics
pd incident:assign
pd incident:create
pd incident:list
pd incident:log
pd incident:merge
pd incident:notes
pd incident:open
pd incident:priority
pd incident:resolve
pd log
pd rest:delete
pd rest:fetch
pd rest:get
pd rest:post
pd rest:put
pd schedule:copy
pd schedule:list
pd schedule:oncall
pd schedule:open
pd schedule:override:add
pd schedule:override:list
pd schedule:render
pd schedule:show
pd service:create
pd service:disable
pd service:enable
pd service:list
pd service:open
pd service:set
pd team:create
pd team:ep:add
pd team:ep:remove
pd team:list
pd team:open
pd team:user:add
pd team:user:list
pd team:user:remove
pd update [CHANNEL]
pd user:contact:add
pd user:contact:list
pd user:contact:set
pd user:create
pd user:delete
pd user:list
pd user:log
pd user:oncall
pd user:replace
pd user:session:list
pd user:set
pd util:timestamp [DATE]
Get PagerDuty Incident Analytics
$ pd analytics:incident
-M, --major Include only major incidents
-S, --services=services Service names to include. Specify multiple times for multiple services.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-g, --aggregate_unit=day|week|month The time unit to aggregate metrics by. If no value is provided, the metrics will
be aggregated for the entire period.
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-t, --teams=teams Team names to include. Specify multiple times for multiple teams.
-u, --urgencies=high|low [default: high,low] Urgencies to include.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since [default: 7 days ago] The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until [default: now] The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/analytics/incident/index.ts
Get PagerDuty Raw Incident Analytics
$ pd analytics:incident:raw
-M, --major Include only major incidents
-S, --services=services Service names to include. Specify multiple times for multiple services.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-t, --teams=teams Team names to include. Specify multiple times for multiple teams.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/analytics/incident/raw.ts
Add an authenticated PagerDuty domain
$ pd auth:add
-a, --alias=alias The alias to use for this token. Defaults to the name of the PD subdomain
-d, --[no-]default Use this token as the default for all PD commands
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --token=token A PagerDuty API token
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
$ pd auth:set
See code: src/commands/auth/add.ts
Delete a PagerDuty domain authentication
$ pd auth:delete
-a, --alias=alias (required) The alias of the PD domain authentication to delete
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
See code: src/commands/auth/delete.ts
Get the current authenticated PagerDuty domain
$ pd auth:get
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
See code: src/commands/auth/get.ts
List authenticated PagerDuty domains
$ pd auth:list
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
See code: src/commands/auth/list.ts
Choose a saved authenticated PagerDuty domain to use with all pd commands
$ pd auth:use
-a, --alias=alias (required) The alias of the PD domain to use
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
See code: src/commands/auth/use.ts
Authenticate with PagerDuty in the browser
$ pd auth:web
-a, --alias=alias The alias to use for this token. Defaults to the name of the PD subdomain
-d, --[no-]default Use this token as the default for all PD commands
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
$ pd login
See code: src/commands/auth/web.ts
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ pd autocomplete [SHELL]
SHELL shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
$ pd autocomplete
$ pd autocomplete bash
$ pd autocomplete zsh
$ pd autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
list all the commands
$ pd commands
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json display unfiltered api data in json format
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--hidden show hidden commands
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
See code: @oclif/plugin-commands
Make a copy of a PagerDuty Escalation Policy
$ pd ep:copy
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --destination=destination The name for the new escalation policy
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id The ID of the escalation policy to copy.
-n, --name=name The name of the escalation policy to copy.
-o, --open Open the new escalation policy in the browser
-p, --pipe Print the new escalation policy ID only to stdout, for use with pipes.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/ep/copy.ts
Create a PagerDuty Escalation Policy with a single level. You can add levels and targets later with ep:level and ep:target
$ pd ep:create
-S, --schedule_names=schedule_names Add a target schedule with this name. Specify multiple times for multiple
-U, --user_emails=user_emails Add a target user with this email. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delay=delay [default: 30] Delay in minutes before unacknowledged incidents escalate away from
this level
-h, --help show CLI help
-n, --name=name (required) The name of the escalation policy to add.
-o, --open Open the new escalation policy in the browser
-p, --pipe Print the escalation policy ID only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-r, --repeat=repeat [default: 0] Number of times to repeat this level
-s, --schedule_ids=schedule_ids Add a target schedule with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
-u, --user_ids=user_ids Add a target user with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--description=description The description of the escalation policy
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/ep/create.ts
Add a level to PagerDuty Escalation Policies
$ pd ep:level:add
-S, --schedule_names=schedule_names Add a target schedule with this name. Specify multiple times for multiple
-U, --user_emails=user_emails Add a target user with this email. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delay=delay [default: 30] Delay in minutes before unacknowledged incidents escalate away from
this level
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of escalation policies to update.
-l, --level=level (required) Escalation policy level to add (the lowest level is 1; any existing
levels at or above the added level will be moved up. To add the top level,
specify any number higher than the existing number of levels (e.g., 99))
-n, --name=name Update escalation policies whose names match this string.
-p, --pipe Read escalation policy ID's from stdin.
-s, --schedule_ids=schedule_ids Add a target schedule with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
-u, --user_ids=user_ids Add a target user with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/ep/level/add.ts
Remove a level from PagerDuty Escalation Policies
$ pd ep:level:remove
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of escalation policies to update.
-l, --level=level (required) Escalation policy level to remove (the lowest level is 1; any existing levels above
the deleted level will be moved down.
-n, --name=name Update escalation policies whose names match this string.
-p, --pipe Read escalation policy ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/ep/level/remove.ts
List PagerDuty Escalation Policies
$ pd ep:list
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=name Select escalation policies whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Print escalation policy ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/ep/list.ts
List a PagerDuty Escalation Policy's on call shifts.
$ pd ep:oncall
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Show oncalls for the EP with this ID.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=name Show oncalls for the EP with this name.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/ep/oncall.ts
Open PagerDuty Escalation policies in the browser
$ pd ep:open
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of escalation policies to open.
-n, --name=name Open escalation policies whose names match this string.
-p, --pipe Read escalation policy ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/ep/open.ts
Add targets to PagerDuty Escalation Policies
$ pd ep:target:add
-S, --schedule_names=schedule_names Add a target schedule with this name. Specify multiple times for multiple
-U, --user_emails=user_emails Add a target user with this email. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of escalation policies to update.
-l, --level=level (required) Escalation policy level to add targets to
-n, --name=name Update escalation policies whose names match this string.
-p, --pipe Read escalation policy ID's from stdin.
-s, --schedule_ids=schedule_ids Add a target schedule with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
-u, --user_ids=user_ids Add a target user with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/ep/target/add.ts
Remove targets from PagerDuty Escalation Policies
$ pd ep:target:remove
-S, --schedule_names=schedule_names Remove a target schedule with this name. Specify multiple times for multiple
-U, --user_emails=user_emails Remove a target user with this email. Specify multiple times for multiple
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of escalation policies to update.
-l, --level=level (required) Escalation policy level to remove targets from
-n, --name=name Update escalation policies whose names match this string.
-p, --pipe Read escalation policy ID's from stdin.
-s, --schedule_ids=schedule_ids Remove a target schedule with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple
-u, --user_ids=user_ids Remove a target user with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple targets.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/ep/target/remove.ts
display help for pd
$ pd help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Acknowledge PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident:ack
-F, --from=from Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Incident ID's to acknowledge. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Acknowledge all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-z, --snooze=snooze Also snooze selected incidents for the specified amount of time (5m, '1 hour', default unit is
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
$ pd incident:acknowledge
See code: src/commands/incident/ack.ts
Show Alerts in PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident:alerts
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Show alerts for these Incident ID's. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-m, --me Show alerts for all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/incident/alerts.ts
Get Incident analytics
$ pd incident:analytics
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Incident ID's to look at. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/incident/analytics.ts
Assign/Reassign PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident:assign
-E, --assign_to_ep_name=assign_to_ep_name Escalation policy name to assign incidents to.
-F, --from=from Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only
with legacy API tokens.
-U, --assign_to_user_emails=assign_to_user_emails User emails to assign incidents to. Specify multiple times for
multiple assignees.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --assign_to_ep_id=assign_to_ep_id Escalation policy ID to assign incidents to.
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Incident ID's to assign. Specify multiple times for multiple
-m, --me Reassign all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-u, --assign_to_user_ids=assign_to_user_ids User ID's to assign incidents to. Specify multiple times for
multiple assignees.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
$ pd incident:reassign
See code: src/commands/incident/assign.ts
Create a PagerDuty Incident
$ pd incident:create
-E, --escalation_policy=escalation_policy The name of the escalation policy to assign the incident to
-F, --from=from Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with
legacy API tokens.
-P, --priority=priority Incident priority
-S, --service=service The name of the service to create the incident in
-U, --user=user The email of a user to assign the incident to
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --details=details Incident details
-h, --help show CLI help
-k, --key=key Incident key
-o, --open Open the new incident in the browser
-p, --pipe Print the incident ID only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-t, --title=title (required) Incident title
-u, --urgency=high|low Incident urgency
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--escalation_policy_id=escalation_policy_id The ID of the escalation policy to assign the incident to
--service_id=service_id The ID of the service to create the incident in
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--user_id=user_id The ID of a user to assign the incident to
See code: src/commands/incident/create.ts
List PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident:list
-S, --services=services Service names to include. Specify multiple times for
multiple services.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-e, --assignees=assignees Return only incidents assigned to this PD login email.
Specify multiple times for multiple assignees.
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for
multiple fields.
-m, --me Return only incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Print incident ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-s, --statuses=open|closed|triggered|acknowledged|resolved [default: open] Return only incidents with the given
statuses. Specify multiple times for multiple statuses.
-t, --teams=teams Team names to include. Specify multiple times for multiple
-u, --urgencies=high|low [default: high,low] Urgencies to include.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--notes Also show incident notes (Uses a lot more HTTPS requests!)
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/incident/list.ts
Show PagerDuty Incident Log Entries
$ pd incident:log
-O, --overview Get only `overview` log entries
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Select incidents with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Read incident IDs from stdin, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/incident/log.ts
Merge PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident:merge
-F, --from=from Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-I, --parent_id=parent_id Use this incident ID as the parent ID.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Merge incidents with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents. If -I is
not given, the first incident in the list will be the parent incident.
-o, --open Open the merged incident in the browser
-p, --pipe Read incident IDs from stdin, for use with pipes. If -I is not given, the first incident ID
from the pipe will be the parent incident.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/incident/merge.ts
See or add notes on PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident:notes
-F, --from=from Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id (required) Incident ID.
-n, --note=note Note to add
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/incident/notes.ts
Open PagerDuty Incidents in your browser
$ pd incident:open
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Incident ID's to open. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Open all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/incident/open.ts
Set priority on PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident:priority
-F, --from=from Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Incident ID's to set priority on. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Set priority on all incidents assigned to me
-n, --priority=priority (required) The name of the priority to set.
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/incident/priority.ts
Resolve PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident:resolve
-F, --from=from Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Incident ID's to resolve. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Resolve all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/incident/resolve.ts
Show PagerDuty Domain Log Entries
$ pd log
-O, --overview Get only `overview` log entries
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since [default: 30 days ago] The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/log.ts
Make a DELETE request to PagerDuty
$ pd rest:delete
-H, --headers=headers [default: ] Headers to add, for example, `[email protected]`. Specify multiple times
for multiple headers.
-P, --params=params [default: ] Parameters to add, for example, `query=martin` or `include[]=teams. Specify
multiple times for multiple params.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --endpoint=endpoint (required) The path to the endpoint, for example, `/users/PXXXXXX` or `/services`
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/rest/delete.ts
Fetch objects from PagerDuty
$ pd rest:fetch
-H, --headers=headers [default: ] Headers to add, for example, `[email protected]`. Specify multiple
times for multiple headers.
-P, --params=params [default: ] Parameters to add, for example, `query=martin` or `include[]=teams. Specify
multiple times for multiple params.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value, for use with `--table`.
-e, --endpoint=endpoint (required) The path to the endpoint, for example, `/users/PXXXXXX` or `/services`
-h, --help show CLI help
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display, for use with `--table`. Specify multiple times for multiple
-p, --pipe Print object ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-t, --table Output in table format instead of JSON
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/rest/fetch.ts
Make a GET request to PagerDuty
$ pd rest:get
-H, --headers=headers [default: ] Headers to add, for example, `[email protected]`. Specify multiple times
for multiple headers.
-P, --params=params [default: ] Parameters to add, for example, `query=martin` or `include[]=teams`. Specify
multiple times for multiple params.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --endpoint=endpoint (required) The path to the endpoint, for example, `/users/PXXXXXX` or `/services`
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/rest/get.ts
Make a POST request to PagerDuty
$ pd rest:post
-H, --headers=headers [default: ] Headers to add, for example, `[email protected]`. Specify multiple times
for multiple headers.
-P, --params=params [default: ] Parameters to add, for example, `query=martin` or `include[]=teams. Specify
multiple times for multiple params.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --data=data (required) JSON data to send
-e, --endpoint=endpoint (required) The path to the endpoint, for example, `/users/PXXXXXX` or `/services`
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/rest/post.ts
Make a PUT request to PagerDuty
$ pd rest:put
-H, --headers=headers [default: ] Headers to add, for example, `[email protected]`. Specify multiple times
for multiple headers.
-P, --params=params [default: ] Parameters to add, for example, `query=martin` or `include[]=teams. Specify
multiple times for multiple params.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --data=data (required) JSON data to send
-e, --endpoint=endpoint (required) The path to the endpoint, for example, `/users/PXXXXXX` or `/services`
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/rest/put.ts
Make a copy of a PagerDuty Schedule
$ pd schedule:copy
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --destination=destination The name for the new schedule
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id The ID of the schedule to copy.
-n, --name=name The name of the schedule to copy.
-o, --open Open the new schedule in the browser
-p, --pipe Print the new schedule ID only to stdout, for use with pipes.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/schedule/copy.ts
List PagerDuty Schedules
$ pd schedule:list
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=name Select schedules whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Print schedule ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/schedule/list.ts
List a PagerDuty Schedule's on call shifts.
$ pd schedule:oncall
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Show oncalls for the schedule with this ID.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=name Show oncalls for the schedule with this name.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/schedule/oncall.ts
Open PagerDuty Schedules in the browser
$ pd schedule:open
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of schedules to open.
-n, --name=name Open schedules matching this string.
-p, --pipe Read schedule ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/schedule/open.ts
Add an override to a PagerDuty schedule.
$ pd schedule:override:add
-U, --user_email=user_email The email of the PagerDuty user for the override
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Add an override to the schedule with this ID.
-n, --name=name Add an override to the schedule with this name.
-u, --user_id=user_id The ID of the PagerDuty user for the override
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--end=end [default: in 1 day] The end time for the override.
--start=start [default: now] The start time for the override.
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/schedule/override/add.ts
List a PagerDuty Schedule's overrides.
$ pd schedule:override:list
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Show overrides for the schedule with this ID.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=name Show overrides for the schedule with this name.
-p, --pipe Print override ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since [default: now] The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until [default: in 30 days] The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/schedule/override/list.ts
Render a PagerDuty Schedule
$ pd schedule:render
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Render the schedule with this ID.
-n, --name=name Render the schedule with this name.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/schedule/render.ts
Show a PagerDuty Schedule
$ pd schedule:show
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Show the schedule with this ID.
-n, --name=name Show the schedule with this name.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--since=since The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/schedule/show.ts
Create a PagerDuty Service
$ pd service:create
-E, --escalation_policy_name=escalation_policy_name The name of the service's escalation policy.
-F, --from=from Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use
only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --description=description The service's description
-e, --escalation_policy_id=escalation_policy_id The ID of the service's escalation policy.
-h, --help show CLI help
-n, --name=name (required) The service's name
-o, --open Open the new service in the browser
-p, --pipe Print the service ID only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-r, --auto_resolve_timeout=auto_resolve_timeout Automatically resolve incidents after this number of minutes
-t, --ack_timeout=ack_timeout Automatically re-trigger incidents after this number of
-u, --urgency=high|low|use_support_hours|severity_based The urgency of incidents in the service
--Gc=any|all Do content-based alert grouping. Specify the fields to look
at with --Gf and choose 'any' or 'all' fields.
--Gd=Gd Do time based alert grouping for this number of minutes.
--Gf=Gf The fields to look at for content based alert grouping.
Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
--Gi Do intelligent alert grouping
--Sd=Sd A day when support hours are active. Specify multiple times
for multiple days.
--Se=Se The time of day when support hours end
--Ss=Ss The time of day when support hours start
--Uc Change unacknowledged incidents to high urgency when entering
high-urgency support hours
--Ud=high|low|severity_based Incident urgency during support hours.
--Uo=high|low|severity_based Incident urgency outside of support hours.
--create_alerts Turn on alert support in the service (default: true)
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/service/create.ts
Disable PagerDuty Services
$ pd service:disable
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Select services with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple services.
-n, --name=name Select services whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Read service ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/service/disable.ts
Enable PagerDuty Services
$ pd service:enable
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Select services with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple services.
-n, --name=name Select services whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Read service ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/service/enable.ts
List PagerDuty Services
$ pd service:list
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=name Retrieve only services whose names contain this text
-p, --pipe Print service ID's only to stdin, for use with pipes.
-t, --teams=teams Team names to include. Specify multiple times for multiple teams.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/service/list.ts
Open PagerDuty Services in the browser
$ pd service:open
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of services to open.
-n, --name=name Open services matching this string.
-p, --pipe Read service ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/service/open.ts
Set PagerDuty Service attributes
$ pd service:set
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Select services with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple services.
-k, --key=key (required) Attribute key to set
-n, --name=name Select services whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Read service ID's from stdin.
-v, --value=value (required) Attribute value to set
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/service/set.ts
Create an empty PagerDuty Team. You can add escalation policies and users later with team:ep and team:user
$ pd team:create
-A, --parent_name=parent_name The name of the new team's parent team
-a, --parent_id=parent_id The ID of the new team's parent team
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-n, --name=name (required) The name of the team to add.
-o, --open Open the new team in the browser
-p, --pipe Print the team ID only to stdout, for use with pipes.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--description=description The description of the team
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/team/create.ts
Add PagerDuty escalation policies to Teams.
$ pd team:ep:add
-E, --ep_names=ep_names Add an escalation policy with this name. Specify multiple times for multiple escalation
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --ep_ids=ep_ids Add an escalation policy with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple escalation
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of teams to add escalation policies to.
-n, --name=name Select teams whose names contain the given text
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/team/ep/add.ts
Remove PagerDuty escalation policies from Teams.
$ pd team:ep:remove
-E, --ep_names=ep_names Remove an escalation policy with this name. Specify multiple times for multiple escalation
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --ep_ids=ep_ids Remove an escalation policy with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple escalation
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of teams to remove escalation policies from.
-n, --name=name Select teams whose names contain the given text
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/team/ep/remove.ts
List PagerDuty Teams
$ pd team:list
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=name Select teams whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Print user ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/team/list.ts
Open PagerDuty Teams in the browser
$ pd team:open
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of teams to open.
-n, --name=name Open teams matching this string.
-p, --pipe Read team ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/team/open.ts
Add PagerDuty users to Teams. If a given user is already a member, this command will set their role on the team.
$ pd team:user:add
-U, --user_emails=user_emails Add a user with this email. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of teams to add members to.
-n, --name=name Select teams whose names contain the given text
-r, --role=manager|responder|observer [default: manager] The role of the user(s) on the team(s)
-u, --user_ids=user_ids Add a user with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/team/user/add.ts
List PagerDuty Team Members
$ pd team:user:list
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of teams to list members for.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=name Select teams whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Print user ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/team/user/list.ts
Remove PagerDuty users from Teams
$ pd team:user:remove
-U, --user_emails=user_emails Remove a user with this email. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids The IDs of teams to remove members from.
-n, --name=name Select teams whose names contain the given text
-u, --user_ids=user_ids Remove a user with this ID. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/team/user/remove.ts
update the pd CLI
$ pd update [CHANNEL]
--from-local interactively choose an already installed version
See code: @oclif/plugin-update
Add a contact method to a PagerDuty user
$ pd user:contact:add
-T, --type=email|phone|sms (required) The contact method type.
-a, --address=address (required) The contact method address or phone number.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --email=email Add contact to the user with this login email.
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Add contact to the user with this ID.
-l, --label=label (required) The contact method label.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/user/contact/add.ts
List a PagerDuty User's contact methods.
$ pd user:contact:list
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-e, --email=email Show contacts for the user with this login email.
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Show contacts for the user with this ID.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Print contact ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/user/contact/list.ts
Update a contact method for a PagerDuty user
$ pd user:contact:set
-a, --address=address The contact method address or phone number to set.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-c, --contact_id=contact_id (required) Update the contact with this ID.
-e, --email=email Update a contact for the user with this login email.
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Update a contact for the user with this ID.
-l, --label=label The contact method label to set.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/user/contact/set.ts
Create a PagerDuty User
$ pd user:create
-F, --from=from
Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=useauth
Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-c, --color=color
The user's schedule color
-d, --description=description
The user's job description
-e, --email=email
(required) The user's login email
-h, --help
show CLI help
-n, --name=name
(required) The user's name
-o, --open
Open the new user in the browser
-p, --pipe
Print the user ID only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-r, --role=admin|read_only_user|read_only_limited_user|user|limited_user|observer|restricted_access
[default: user] The user's role
-t, --title=title
The user's job title
-w, --password=password
The user's password - if not specified, a random password will be generated
-z, --timezone=timezone
[default: UTC] The user's time zone
Print REST API call debug logs
Show the user's password when creating
Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/user/create.ts
�[1mDangerous�[22m - Delete PagerDuty Users
$ pd user:delete
-E, --exact_emails=exact_emails Select a user whose login email is this exact text. Specify multiple times for
multiple emails.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --emails=emails Select users whose emails contain the given text. Specify multiple times for multiple
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Select users with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-p, --pipe Read user ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--force Extreme danger mode: do not prompt before deleting
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/user/delete.ts
List PagerDuty Users
$ pd user:list
-E, --exact_email=exact_email Select the user whose login email is this exact text
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-e, --email=email Select users whose login email addresses contain the given text
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Print user ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/user/list.ts
Show PagerDuty User Log Entries
$ pd user:log
-E, --exact_email=exact_email Select the user whose login email is this exact text
-O, --overview Get only `overview` log entries
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=delimiter [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-e, --email=email Select users whose login email addresses contain the given text
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Select users with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Read user IDs from stdin, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since [default: 30 days ago] The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/user/log.ts
List a PagerDuty User's on call shifts.
$ pd user:oncall
-a, --always Include 'Always on call.'
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --email=email Show oncalls for the user with this login email.
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Show oncalls for the user with this ID.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-m, --me Show my oncalls.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/user/oncall.ts
Replace PagerDuty Users in all Schedules and Escalation Policies
$ pd user:replace
-U, --user_email=user_email The email of the replacement user.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --deleted Replace all deleted users
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Replace users with the given IDs. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-p, --pipe Read user ID's from stdin.
-u, --user_id=user_id The ID of the replacement user.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--force Extreme danger mode: do not prompt before updating
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/user/replace.ts
List a PagerDuty User's sessions.
$ pd user:session:list
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --email=email Show sessions for the user with this login email.
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --id=id Show sessions for the user with this ID.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=keys Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Print session ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-q, --query=query Query the API output
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--since=since The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=until The end of the date range over which you want to search.
See code: src/commands/user/session/list.ts
Set PagerDuty User attributes
$ pd user:set
-E, --exact_emails=exact_emails Select a user whose login email is this exact text. Specify multiple times for
multiple emails.
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --emails=emails Select users whose emails contain the given text. Specify multiple times for multiple
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids Select users with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-k, --key=key (required) Attribute key to set
-p, --pipe Read user ID's from stdin.
-v, --value=value (required) Attribute value to set
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/user/set.ts
Make ISO8601 timestamps
$ pd util:timestamp [DATE]
DATE A human-style date/time, like "4pm 1/1/2021" or "Dec 2 1pm", etc. Default: now
-b, --useauth=useauth Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help show CLI help
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=token Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See code: src/commands/util/timestamp.ts