This application has three main components:
- Educational Modules
- Resources Map
- Admin Portal with locally stored database (to store contact mother's information)
- Install node.js:
brew install node
Note, if you do not have homebrew installed, install it using this link: (We used version 13.6.0. Check your version with this commandnode -v
) - Once node is intalled properly, install expo-cli:
npm install -g expo-cli
(We used 3.11.7 Check your version with this commandexpo-cli -V
) - Clone repo into a folder on your device by using git clone <this_repository_ssh_or_https_key>
- Go to a command line prompt and navigate to the folder.
- Once in folder, type in command line
npm install
to install all the dependencies and modules in the folder. - To set up a project, run the following commands
expo init <name_of_app>
cd <name_of_app>
- You can now run the application by using the command
npm start
. This will open up a tab on your browser. Wait until a message appears that says "Tunnel ready." Then, click on the "Tunnel" option in the lower left hand of the browser screen. Download the Expo Cli app on the phone. - Install android-studio
brew cask install android-studio
- If you are using iOS, use the built-in camera app on the phone to scan the QR code. A link will come up asking to open the Expo Cli app. However, for Android devices, the QR code can be scanned from within the Expo Cli app itself. (Note: XCODE's iOS simulator is another option for testing the app. Android simulators are also available.)
To be able to navigate between screens, install the following:
npm install --save react-navigation
npm install --save react-native-gesture-handler
npm install --save react-navigation-stack
If there are any peer dependencies that need to be installed, install them as your command line prompts you to. For our project we installed these peer dependencies:
npm install --save @react-native-community/masked-view
npm install --save react-native-safe-area-context
React Bootstrap: (optional because not currently used)
npm i react-bootstrap bootstrap
npm install twilio
Set up environment for Sendgrid:
echo "export SENDGRID_API_KEY='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'" > sendgrid.env
echo "sendgrid.env" >> .gitignore
source ./sendgrid.env
npm install --save @sendgrid/mail
npm install react-native-datepicker --save
Expo FileSystem:
expo install expo-file-system
- Helpful link in creating APK file:
- Create an account
- Make sure there is an “android” section in
- Run this command
expo build:android
Note: this will take a while - Download the APK file
- Upload it to a Google Drive or send it via email to be downloaded on the tablet itself