I need it this way, to write semantic commit messages for different project, which different commit message patterns.
It basically runs
git add . and git commit -m "..."
with a customized commit messages, to be even DRY here.
Use the config.example.json (rename to config.json) to add profiles. Add an alias, to run this profile (ie. "-p exp")
GoComfyCommit -t "docs" -m "Update Readme" -p exp
(on branch main that does:
git add . and git commit -m "My CommitType: docs at Branch: mai > My Message: Update Readme"
In "commitMessage" (and optional "descriptionMessage") you can write the pattern for you messages and place the placeholders (${t}, ${b}, ${m}), where you want. "descriptionMessage" will just -m "Another messge, to add a description. Like a link to the ticket by branchname, which might contain the ticket number"
${b} = that is the branch name, from where you run it
${m} = That is you commit messages, passed by flag -m
${t} = Just another text variable to place somewhere a type like "fix", "docs"
cropBranchFromTo: Here you can truncate the branch name. If you do not have "main", but maybe a the ticketname i.e "ticket-1234-remove-js-vars-from-shell" you can set it to [0,10] to just have "ticket-1234".
-m (set commit message) -t (set type (just text for commit message)) -p (select profile from config) -c (crop/trim current git branch (from, to))
- Add message description (to set links)
- Set different config path as default
- Add--help command
- Customizable by config file
- Able to read message patterns by config file