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@felixerdy felixerdy released this 30 Dec 11:09

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.1.1


Name                                    Installed Available Location            Description
Adafruit BME280 Library                 2.2.4     -         user                -
Adafruit BME680 Library                 2.0.5     -         user                -
Adafruit BMP280 Library                 2.6.8     -         user                -
Adafruit BusIO                          1.16.2    -         user                -
Adafruit DPS310                         1.1.4     -         user                -
Adafruit FONA Library                   1.3.13    -         user                -
Adafruit GFX Library                    1.11.11   -         user                -
Adafruit HDC1000 Library                2.0.2     -         user                -
Adafruit ICM20X                         2.0.7     -         user                -
Adafruit MAX1704X                       1.0.3     -         user                -
Adafruit MPU6050                        2.2.6     -         user                -
Adafruit MQTT Library                   2.5.8     -         user                -
Adafruit NeoMatrix                      1.3.3     -         user                -
Adafruit NeoPixel                       1.12.3    -         user                -
Adafruit seesaw Library                 1.7.9     -         user                -
Adafruit SleepyDog Library              1.6.5     -         user                -
Adafruit SSD1306                        2.5.13    -         user                -
Adafruit ST7735 and ST7789 Library      1.10.4    -         user                -
Adafruit Unified Sensor                 1.1.14    -         user                -
Arduino Low Power                       1.2.2     -         user                -
ArduinoBearSSL                          1.7.4     -         user                -
ArduinoECCX08                           1.3.8     -         user                -
ArduinoJson                             7.3.0     -         user                -
BMX055                                  1.0       -         user                -
Bolder Flight Systems AMS5915           6.0.3     -         user                -
Bolder Flight Systems Unit Conversions  5.0.0     -         user                -
BSEC Software Library                   1.8.1492  -         user                -
CayenneLPP                              1.4.0     -         user                -
DallasTemperature                       3.9.0     -         user                -
EEPROM                                  2.0       -         arduino:[email protected]   -
ESP32Time                               2.0.6     -         user                -
Ethernet                                2.0.2     -         user                -
HX711                                   0.5.2     -         user                -
HID                                     1.0       -         arduino:[email protected]   -
 "                                      1.0       -         arduino:[email protected] -
I2S                                     1.0       -         arduino:[email protected] -
IBM LMIC framework                      1.5.1     -         user                -
JC_Button                               2.1.5     -         user                -
LoRa Serialization                      3.3.1     -         user                -
LTR329                                  1.0.0     -         user                -
NeoGPS                                  4.2.9     -         user                -
NewPing                                 1.9.7     -         user                -
Nova Fitness Sds dust sensors library   1.5.1     -         user                -
NTPClient                               3.2.1     -         user                -
OLED Plot Library                       1.1.0     -         user                -
OneWire                                 2.3.8     -         user                -
phyphox BLE                             1.2.3     -         user                -
RTCZero                                 1.6.0     -         user                -
RV8523                                  1.0.0     -         user                -
SD                                      1.3.0     -         user                -
SDS011 selectable serial sensor Library 0.0.6     -         user                -
SenseBoxBLE                             1.1.1     -         user                -
sensirion-sps                           1.1.2     -         user                -
Servo                                   1.2.2     -         user                -
SoftwareSerial                          1.0       -         arduino:[email protected]   -
SparkFun SCD30 Arduino Library          1.0.20    -         user                -
SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library    2.2.27    -         user                -
SPI                                     1.0       -         arduino:[email protected]   -
STM32duino VL53L8CX                     2.0.1     -         user                -
TheThingsNetwork                        2.7.2     -         user                -
TinyGPSPlus                             1.0.3     -         user                -
UniversalTelegramBot                    1.3.0     -         user                -
VEML6070                                1.0.0     1.1.0     user                VEML6070 library
Webserver Library                       1.0.0     -         user                -
WiFi101                                 0.16.1    -         user                -
Wire                                    1.0       -         arduino:[email protected]   -
SAMD_AnalogCorrection                   1.0       -         arduino:[email protected] -
SAMD_BootloaderUpdater                  1.0       -         arduino:[email protected] -
SBU                                     1.0.0     -         arduino:[email protected] -
SDU                                     1.0.0     -         arduino:[email protected] -
SFU                                     1.0.0     -         arduino:[email protected] -
SNU                                     1.0.2     -         arduino:[email protected] -
SPI                                     1.0       -         arduino:[email protected] -
SSU                                     1.0.0     -         arduino:[email protected] -
USBHost                                 1.0       1.0.5     arduino:[email protected] Allows the communication with USB per...
Wire                                    1.0       -         arduino:[email protected] -
ArduinoOTA                              2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
BluetoothSerial                         2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
DNSServer                               2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
EEPROM                                  2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
ESP Insights                            1.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
ESP RainMaker                           2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
ESP32                                   2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
ESP32 Async UDP                         2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
ESP32 BLE Arduino                       2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
ESPmDNS                                 2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
Ethernet                                2.0.0     2.0.2     esp32:[email protected]  Enables network connection (local and...
FFat                                    2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
FS                                      2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
HTTPClient                              2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
HTTPUpdate                              2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
HTTPUpdateServer                        2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
I2S                                     1.0       -         esp32:[email protected]  -
LittleFS                                2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
NetBIOS                                 2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
Preferences                             2.0.0     2.1.0     esp32:[email protected]  Provides friendly access to ESP32's N...
SD                                      2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
SD_MMC                                  2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
senseBox                                1.0.0     -         sensebox:[email protected]   -
senseBox-Tests                          1.0.0     -         sensebox:[email protected]   -
senseBoxIO                              1.0.0     -         sensebox:[email protected]   -
SimpleBLE                               2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
SenseBoxMCU                             1.4.1     -         sensebox:[email protected]   -
SenseBoxOTA                             1.0.0     -         sensebox:[email protected]   -
SPI                                     2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
SPIFFS                                  2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
Ticker                                  2.0.0     4.4.0     esp32:[email protected]  Allows to call functions with a given...
Update                                  2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
USB                                     2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
WebServer                               2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
WiFi                                    2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
WiFiClientSecure                        2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
WiFiProv                                2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -
Wire                                    2.0.0     -         esp32:[email protected]  -