Attention Users: This project is in active development, and certain tools or features might still be under construction. We kindly urge you to exercise caution while utilizing the tools within this environment. While every effort is being made to ensure the stability and reliability of the project, there could be unexpected behaviors or limited functionalities in some areas. We highly recommend thoroughly testing the project in non-production or sandbox environments before implementing it in critical or production systems. Your feedback is invaluable to us; if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to report them. Your input helps us enhance the project's performance and user experience. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
This project is designed for monitoring the health of Kubernetes environment and alert when something is not working. The scope is to check if the status of the elements are in ready, running, bound state or if the amount of pods requested is always satisfied. Property such as CPU or memory usage are not checked to trigger an alarm and/or warning.
The user chooses the synchronization cycles and the elements to monitor.
Monitor both masters and works nodes.
Monitor the status of :
- Pod
- Deployments
- StatefulSets
- DaemonSet
- ReplicaSet
Monitor the status of :
- Persistent Volume
- Persistent Volume Claim
Receive the alerts and the solved messages via notifications channels, allowing immediate action.
Available plugin:
- Telegram
- Python 3.x
- kubectl cli (if Run in kubernetes)
- Telegram API credentials (if telegram notification is enabled)
- SMTP and user account (if email notification is enabled)
Bool | False | View debugging information. |
Bool | False | Save log to files |
Bool | True | Set False if it runs on k8s. |
String | Path to the kube config file. This is mandatory when the script runs outside the Kubernetes cluster, either in a docker container or as a native script. | |
String | Force the cluster name and it appears in the telegram message | |
Int | 120 | Cycle time (seconds) |
Bool | True | Enable telegram notification |
String | Token for access to Telegram bot via Http API | |
String | Telegram chat id where send the notifications | |
Bool | False | Enable email notification |
String | SMTP server | |
int | 587 | SMTP port |
String | user name account | |
String | password account | |
Bool | Email recipients | |
Bool | True | Enable Nodes watcher |
Bool | True | Enable Pods watcher |
Bool | True | Enable Deployment watcher |
Bool | True | Enable StatefulSets watcher |
Bool | True | Enable ReplicaSets watcher |
Bool | True | Enable DaemonSet watcher |
Bool | True | Enable Persistent Volume Claim watcher |
K8S_PV |
Bool | True | Enable Persistent Volume watcher |
Bool | False | Load the Deployment items where the pods count is 0 |
Bool | False | Load the StatefulSets items where the pod count is 0 |
Bool | False | Load the ReplicaSets items where the pod count is 0 |
Bool | False | Load DaemonSet items where the pods count is scaled to 0 or is equal to 0 |
*Mandatory parameters
** Mandatory if it is deployed on cluster
If you set "TELEGRAM_ENABLE"= False, the application prints out the message only on the stdout
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/seriohub/k8s-watchdog.git
cd k8s-watchdog
Navigate to the src folder
Dependencies installation:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create and edit .env file under src folder, you can start from .env.template under src folder Setup mandatory parameters in the src/.env file if runs it in the native mode
Run the main script:
python3 main.py
Navigate to the docker folder
Setup mandatory parameters in the docker-compose.yaml file (docker-compose.yaml)
Note: Instead of editing the docker-compose.yaml file, you can create and edit .env file (you can start from .env.template) file under docker folder and use the docker-compose.yaml default values.
Docker image :
- Navigate to the root folder
- Build the docker image
docker build --target k8s-watchdog -t k8s-watchdog:1.0.0 -t k8s-watchdog:latest -f ./docker/Dockerfile .
- Pull the image
docker pull dserio83/k8s-watchdog
Create docker volumes:
- Create a volume for store logs
docker volume create k8s_watchdog_vol
- Create a volume for config data.
docker volume create k8s_watchdog_config
- Create a volume for store logs
Copy the kube config file into the volume created. It contains the credentials for the k8s API. Generally it is in /home/< user >/.kube/config folder.
docker container create --name copy-file -v k8s_watchdog_config:/config hello-world docker cp <path config file yaml> copy-file:/config/config.yaml docker rm copy-file
Create the stack and run it
docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yaml -p k8s-watchdog-stack up -d
Navigate to the k8s folder
Create and edit .env file under k8s folder, you can start from .env.template
Export .env
export $(cat .env | xargs)
Checks that the variables have been exported:
printenv | grep K8SW_*
Setup docker image:
Navigate to the root folder
Build image
docker build --target k8s-watchdog -t ${K8SW_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${K8SW_DOCKER_IMAGE}:1.0.0 -t ${K8SW_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${K8SW_DOCKER_IMAGE}:latest -f ./docker/Dockerfile .
Push image
docker push ${K8SW_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${K8SW_DOCKER_IMAGE} --all-tags
Alternative you can use skip the Build image and Push image steps and use an deployed image published on DockerHub.
Edit the .env file: K8SW_DOCKER_REGISTRY=dserio83
More info: https://hub.docker.com/r/dserio83/k8s-watchdog
Kubernetes create objects
Navigate to the k8s folder
Create namespace:
cat 10_create_ns.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
Create the PVC:
cat 20_pvc.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
Create the ConfigMap:
cat 30_cm.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
Create the RBAC:
cat 40_rbac.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
Create the Deployment:
cat 50_deployment.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
The project is developed, tested and put into production on several clusters with the following configuration
- Kubernetes v1.28.2
Fork the project
Create your feature branch
git checkout -b feature/new-feature
Commit your changes
git commit -m 'Add new feature'
Push to the branch
git push origin feature/new-feature
Create a new pull request
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Feel free to modify this template according to your project's specific requirements.
In case you need more functionality, create a PR. If you find a bug, open a ticket.