Ofctrl implements a simple openflow controller using libOpenflow.
ofapp is the interface for Applcations "Consumers" in order to receiv events from the OF-Switch such as; connected, disconnected and packet-received.
type OfApp struct {
Switch *OFSwitch
func (o *OfApp) PacketRcvd(sw *OFSwitch, packet *openflow13.PacketIn) {
log.Printf("App: Received packet: %+v", packet)
func (o *OfApp) SwitchConnected(sw *OFSwitch) {
log.Printf("App: Switch connected: %v", sw.DPID())
// Store switch for later use
o.Switch = sw
func (o *OfApp) SwitchDisconnected(sw *OFSwitch) {
log.Printf("App: Switch disconnected: %v", sw.DPID())
func (o *OfApp) MultipartReply(sw *OFSwitch, rep *openflow13.MultipartReply) {
func testExample() {
// Main app
var app ofctrl.OfApp
// Create a controller
ctrler := ofctrl.NewController(&app)
// start listening
We assume you already installed golang and dep. If not check the below links for more info
- install golang https://golang.org/doc/install
- install dep https://github.com/golang/dep/blob/master/docs/installation.md
To build the binary execute the ./build.sh script, it will create ofctrl binary under the $GOPATH bin directory.
Execute the ofctrl binary using the following command: $ sudo ./ofctrl