This is a simple Classified Ads application
admin url = .../administrator, username: root, password: root1234
- View
- Search Advertisements
- Register
- Signup.
- Post Advertisements
- Contact other users, and chat
- report ad
- set ad as favourite
- purchase account balance
- promote ad
- change basic account settings, change password etc..
- moderate users (ban unban)
- moderate posts (publish unpublish)
- confim payments
- read reports/complains
Basic Site Features
- Change Language
default database name db_ibikri
Database with full Category, Subcategory, all Divisions and Districts are added in database in both languages. It is important to keep those ids for the homepage map to work.
Database provided also includes sample post data generated by laravel faker.
iBikri platform is open-sourced and licensed under the MIT license.
If anyone would like to use this project in their own, they can do so as long as they provide original author credit.
ibikri project is on github
If you wish to get the latest version of the project. install from github. The process of installation is follows-
git clone (on remote machine)
open your project folder in cmd or powershell
Install Composer
composer install
this will create 'vendor' folder and download all packages, NOTE: you need composer installed
Create and edit .env file (use .env.example as base) for windows users use powershell to
cp .env.example .env
to create a copy
Generate Key
php artisan key:generate
will create the unique application key for the .env file
For Database:
Create database . eg. db_ibikri
run migration
php artisan migrate or php artisan migrate:fresh
if you already have database and want to overwrite)
Seed database
to generate the categories, subcategories, divisions and districts in both language
php artisan db:seed
to generate sample data, 100 fake users, 3000 fake posts and 150 promoted(top ads) run the following seeder, you can change the number of fake data by editing database/seeds/PostsSeeder.php
php artisan db:seed --class=PostsSeeder
If you would like to contribute to this project. Fork it and keep me posted with pull requests.
If you discover a security vulnerability within this ibikri application, please submit an Issue.
If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
iBikri platform is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.