released this
25 Feb 00:59
Highlights 🎉
Add slinky-react-router and slinky-history as separate subprojects, to provide interfaces to react-router and the html5 history api PR #305
Add apply method for constructing CustomTag and CustomAttributes PR #318
Rewrite the class component logic to patch the component definition once to handle JS data instead of on every initialization PR #321
Bug Fixes 🐛
Add ARIA role attribute PR #309
Support className and role attributes for SVG PR #314
Add novalidate attribute to form PR #315
Fix types for the useCallback hook and fix its reference equality behavior PR #302
Use js.Object instead of js.Dynamics on attribute style PR #322
Add missing inherited props to native ScrollView component PR #326
Internal Infrastructure
Fix project build in Windows OS and add automated testing in Windows to CI workflow. You can now build Slinky and run tests in Windows PR #308
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