My personal website & portfolio.
Ensure you have Node, Yarn, and Gatsby CLI installed on your machine before proceeding.
Clone this repo locally and
into it
Install dependencies
Run Gatsby development server
yarn develop
You can also use
gatsby develop
, if you have the Gatsby CLI installed. -
Start making changes! You can see your changes get hot-reloaded in your browser.
- Add content with gatsby-theme-polaroid
- Customizing and Shadowing with gatsby-theme-polaroid
- Occassionally, you might make a change (such as deleting a file or adding a file to shadow)
which requires you to clear your cache or restart your development server.
You can do this by stoping your development server (
), runninggatsby clean
, followed bygatsby develop
Deployment details
This website is deployed using GitHub Pages.
The domain provider for
is configured to point to GitHub's domain name servers. The
is added to theCNAME
file in the root directory of the repo, which lets GitHub's DNS know to serve this website for that domain. -
There is currently no CI/CD process for automatic deployments. You must follow the steps below to deploy your changes.
Once you are done making changes, it's a good idea to test them with a production build.
yarn build
Then, serve your build to view the production optimized website locally.
yarn serve
Make sure all of your changes are commited and merged into the
branch. The deployment step deploys only the latest commit frommaster
. -
If everything looks good, deploy!
yarn deploy
Navigate to to view your deployment! (It might take a moment).
Steal the look with gatsby-theme-polaroid.