- Should have website folder pointing to IIS virtual directory, with Sitecore 'Website' folder content
- This sample code assumens website folder to at 'C:\Websites\sc9helix.local\Website'.
- And source code to be at 'C:\Projects\sitecore-9-helix-boilerplate'
Feel free to have the setup on a diffrent location and change 'devRoot' and 'webRoot' settings updated on ht e the following configuration file.
- gulp-config.js
- Should have Sitecore databases (atleast core, master, web) deployed with users to access the database
Clone or download the repository. Once source code is available locally run following command from root directory of source to install dependencies.
npm install
npm install gulp
Once packages are installed open the task runner and refresh to see task configured for building solution and publishing each layer or full solution.
From task runner right click on 'Build-Solution' task. This will restore the Nugets on the initial run and build the solution.
Application pool user has read/ write permission set to website root folder
Database user has sufficient rights granted to core, master and web databases
Disable Xdb in Sitecore.Xdb.config file, can be found in Marketing.xDB folder
<setting name="Xdb.Enabled" value="false" />
- Check for correct persmission for applicaiton pool user, to website root folder