An advanced jQuery plugin that wraps the Google Maps API's Geocoding and Places Autocomplete services. You simply provide an input that lets you search for locations with a nice autocomplete dropdown. Optionally add a container to show an interactive map and a form that will be populated with the address details.
View the annotated source.
To convert an input into an autocomplete field, simply call the Geocomplete plugin:
$("input").geocomplete(); // Option 1: Call on element.
$.fn.geocomplete("input"); // Option 2: Pass element as argument.
Here is a list of basic uses:
- Simple - Single input with an event logger.
- Map - Adding a map.
- Location - Adding a default location.
- Form - Populate form fields.
- Attribute - Using custom attributes to populate data.
- Multiple results - Handling multiple results from the geocoder.
- Draggable - A draggable marker to redefine the position.
Make sure you include the Google Maps API with the Places Library before loading this plugin as described here.
<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.geocomplete.js"></script>
If you use the plugin without showing a map you must display the "[powered by Google](" logo under the text field.
## Trigger Request
To trigger a geocoding request from outside (eg. when hitting the "find" button), simply trigger the "geocode" event on the element.
// Trigger geocoding request.
## Adding a Map Preview
To link the geocode results with an interactive map, you can pass `map` as an option to the plugin.
map: "#my_map"
The `map` option might be a selector, a jQuery object or a DOM element.
## Populate Form Data
You can pass `details` as an option to specify a container that will be populated when a geocoding request was successful.
By default the plugin analyses the `name` attribute of the containers child nodes and replaces the content. You can override the `detailsAttribute` to use another attribute such as `data-geo`.
If the element is an input, the value will be replaced otherwise the plugin overrides the current text.
If you have multiple geocomplete fields on a page, use `detailsScope` option scope your 'details' container.
**Note**: Some address components such as "country" return an additional `short_name`. You can access them by simply adding `_short` at the end of the type.
Simple Example:
Latitude: <input name="lat" type="text" value="">
Longitude: <input name="lng" type="text" value="">
Address: <input name="formatted_address" type="text" value="">
$("input").geocomplete({ details: "form" });
Advanced Example:
<div class="details">
Latitude: <span data-geo="lat" />
Longitude: <span data-geo="lng" />
Address: <span data-geo="formatted_address" />
Country Code: <span data-geo="country_short" />
details: ".details",
detailsAttribute: "data-geo"
## List of Options
The following options might be passed to the plugin call. If you omit them, they fall back to the default.
map: "#my_map",
mapOptions: {
zoom: 10
markerOptions: {
draggable: true
details: "#my_form"
* `map` - Might be a selector, a jQuery object or a DOM element. Default is `false` which shows no map.
* `details` - The container that should be populated with data. Defaults to `false` which ignores the setting.
* 'detailsScope' - Allows you to scope the 'details' container and have multiple geocomplete fields on one page. Must be a parent of the input. Default is 'null'
* `location` - Location to initialize the map on. Might be an address `string` or an `array` with [latitude, longitude] or a `google.maps.LatLng`object. Default is `false` which shows a blank map.
* `bounds` - Whether to snap geocode search to map bounds. Default: `true` if false search globally. Alternatively pass a custom LatLngBounds object
* `detailsAttribute` - The attribute's name to use as an indicator. Default: `"name"`
* `mapOptions` - Options to pass to the `google.maps.Map` constructor. See the full list [here](
* `mapOptions.zoom` - The inital zoom level. Default: `14`
* `mapOptions.scrollwheel` - Whether to enable the scrollwheel to zoom the map. Default: `false`
* `mapOptions.mapTypeId` - The map type. Default: `"roadmap"`
* `markerOptions` - The options to pass to the `google.maps.Marker` constructor. See the full list [here](
* `markerOptions.draggable` - If the marker is draggable. Default: `false`. Set to true to enable dragging.
* `markerOptions.disabled` - Do not show marker. Default: `false`. Set to true to disable marker.
* `maxZoom` - The maximum zoom level to zoom in after a geocoding response. Default: `16`
* `componentRestrictions` - Option for Google Places Autocomplete to restrict results by country. See the [docs](
* `types` - An array containing one or more of the supported types for the places request. Default: `['geocode']` See the full list [here](
* `blur` - Defaults to `false`. When enabled it will trigger the geocoding request whenever the geofield is blured. (See jQuery `.blur()`)
## Events
You can subscribe to events of the geocode plugin by using the default jQuery syntax:
.bind("geocode:result", function(event, result){
The following events are supported:
* `"geocode:result"` - Geocode was successful. Passes the original result as described [here](
* `"geocode:error"` - Fired when the geocode returns an error. Passes the current status as listed [here](
* `"geocode:multiple"` - Fired immediately after the "result" event if multiple results were found. Passes an array of all results.
* `"geocode:dragged"` - Fired when the marker's position was modified manually. Passes the updated location.
* `"geocode:click"` - Fired when 'click' event occurs on the map. Passes the location where the click had place.
* `"geocode:mapdragged"` - Fired when the map bounds are modified by dragging manually. Passes the location of the current map center.
* `"geocode:idle"` - Fired when the map becomes idle after panning or zooming. Passes the location of the current map center.
## Methods and Properties
You can access all properties and methods of the plugin from outside. Simply add a string as the first argument to the `.geocomplete` method after you initialized the plugin.
// Initialize the plugin.
$("input").geocomplete({ map: ".map_canvas" });
// Call the find method with the parameter "NYC".
$("input").geocomplete("find", "NYC");
// Get the map and set a new zoom level.
var map = $("input").geocomplete("map");
## Address and Places Specific Component Types
The following types are supported by the geocoder and will be passed to the provided form or container:
`street_address`, `route`, `intersection`, `political`, `country`, `administrative_area_level_1`, `administrative_area_level_2`, `administrative_area_level_3`, `colloquial_area`, `locality`, `sublocality`, `neighborhood`, `premise`, `subpremise`, `postal_code`, `natural_feature`, `airport`, `park`, `point_of_interest`, `post_box`, `street_number`, `floor`, `room`, `lat`, `lng`, `viewport`, `location`, `formatted_address`, `location_type`, `bounds`
For more information about address components visit
Additionally the following details are passed when the Places API was requested:
`id`, `url`, `website`, `vicinity`, `reference`, `rating`, `international_phone_number`, `icon`, `formatted_phone_number`
More information can be found here:
## About
Developed by [Martin Kleppe]( at [Ubilabs](