You will need to have python 3.8+ and have docker installed on your system. If you are trying to test running the container on a Windows machine, you would likely need a Bash terminal (Git Bash isn't a bad option).
- Pull the repo locally
- Create a virtual env for this repo
python -m venv <virtual_env>
- Activate the virtual environment
- For UNIX systems -
source <path_to_virtual_env>/bin/activate
- For Windows systems -
- For UNIX systems -
- Install all the required packages -
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To test the application without the container, just run -
python -e local
- To run the app within a container run -
Go through the setup steps. Run pytest tests/ -v
which will run the collection of tests and output the results.
- Create a new branch for your changes -
git checkout -B <name_of_branch>
- Make your changes
- Add all the changes -
git add .
- Commit all your changes -
git commit -m "Description of changes"
- Push your changes to the remote repo -
git push
- If its your first time pushing to that remote branch, run
git push --set-upstream origin <branch_name>
- If its your first time pushing to that remote branch, run
- Go to GitHub to view your changes and create a Pull Request.