openwrt package for snail007-shadowtunnel
Thanks for snail007's help @snail007
2019/2/18 Refactoring the entire script! demo version will release soon!
2019/5/18 Delete all description due to ...
2019/7/1 add new description
Program release
add more functions
Secure tunnel which help you protecting your tcp traffic between your machine and your service on remote.
Shadowtunnel provide 2 features to avoid DNS pullution :
When you are running Global Proxy , DNS pullution protection is optional!
You can running DNS proxy mode alone!
Now you can setting up your own hosts!(only when you open DNS function)
Now shadowtunnel provide 4 optional proxy mode:
Global proxy
DNS mode(just proxy DNS)
Bypassing the Chinese mainland's ip mode
Proxy Chinese IP Only(use to watch tengxun video iQIYI oversea)
firstly connect to your router by ssh2 or serial port.And make sure you can go online.
runing opkg update
after that you can see your cpu arch like this
download shadowtunnel + luci-app- (default language is English so you don't need to download luci-i18n-)
upload the package to your router by WinSCP or other software
enter the path which you upload the packages
opkg install shadowtunnel_*.ipk
opkg install luci-app-shadowtunnel*
refresh the page
now you can find it in service-->shadowtunnel
Thanks && enjoy!
Firstly you should build openwrt compiling environment or have a openwrt SDK based on your platform.
After that running following command on the openwrt root directory
./scripts/feeds update
./scripts/feeds install -a
Ok,now we have updated feeds package for openwrt compiling system
cd /package
git clone -b dev
cd ../
make menuconfig
after a while you can see the menuconfig`
choose luci-->collections-->luci
choose luci-->Applications-->luci-app-shadowtunnel
unchoose Base system-->dnsmasq important!! if not the compile will be fail!
make V=99