π Useful functions to encapsulate common scenarios.
As described here, is good to encapsulate conditionals to make our code more readable, reusable and avoid ambiguities. Also to avoid potential bugs due to some javascript features are error-prone:
let name = null;
typeof name; // "object"
Clearly, null
is not an object. More of that ππΌhere.
This is then, a package that encapsulates conditionals, but also other util functions.
β οΈ WARNING:This is also a proof of concept. Some of the functions' names may not make all the sense to you or also may be many breaking changes.
npm install -s werkstatt
yarn add werkstatt
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/index.umd.min.js"></script>
const { isEmail, isNull, areEqual } = werkstatt;
console.log(isEmail("asdf")); // -> false
console.log(isNull(3)); // -> false
console.log(areEqual(6, 6, 6, 6)); // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
value | number | will be tested if it is 0 or not | boolean |
const { isZero } = require("werkstatt");
isZero(7); // -> false
isZero(0); // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
values | number | either an array of numbers or n args | number |
const { add } = require("werkstatt");
add(3, 6, 11); // -> 20
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
add(...numbers); // -> 6
// or just pass the array
add(numbers); // -> 6
argument | type | description | returns |
values | number | numbers that will be subtrtacted | number |
const { subtract } = require("werkstatt");
subtract(6, 3); // -> 3
NOTE: currently it only supports two numbers as paremeters.
argument | type | description | returns |
dividend | number | the dividend of the operation | number |
divider | number | the divider of the operation | number |
const { divide } = require("werkstatt");
divide(100, 2); // -> 50
divide(10, 5); // -> 2
argument | type | description | returns |
value | any | will be tested if it is number or not | boolean |
const { isNumber } = require("werkstatt");
isNumber(54); // -> true
isNumber({ hola: "adios" }); // -> false
isNumber([]); // -> false
isNumber(""); // -> false
isNumber(3); // -> true
isNumber(true); // -> false
Or use the .number getter
exposed by the is()
const { is } = require("werkstatt");
is(54).number; // -> true
is([3]).number; // -> false
NOTE: this is an implementation of is-number package.
argument | type | description | returns |
value | number | will be tested if it is odd number or not | boolean |
const { isOdd } = require("werkstatt");
isOdd(7); // -> true
isOdd(4); // -> false
NOTE: this is an implementation of is-odd package.
argument | type | description | returns |
value | number | will be tested if it is even number or not | boolean |
const { isEven } = require("werkstatt");
isEven(7); // -> false
isEven(4); // -> true
NOTE: this is an implementation of is-even package.
argument | type | description | returns |
value | number | will be tested if it is negative number or not | boolean |
const { isNegative } = require("werkstatt");
isNegative(-54); // -> true
isNegative(4); // -> false
argument | type | description | returns |
firstArgument | number | first value to be evaluated | boolean |
secondArgument | number | second value to be evaluated | boolean |
const { isGreaterThan } = require("werkstatt");
isGreaterThan(100, 50); // -> true
isGreaterThan(1, 50); // -> false
argument | type | description |
value | number | number to convert |
precision | number | desired amount of decimals |
const { toFixed } = require("werkstatt");
toFixed(3.14, 4); // -> '3.1400'
toFixed(5.1346, 3); // -> '5.135'
argument | type | description |
value | array of numbers or several args | where to look for the lowest value |
const { min } = require("werkstatt");
min(264, 736, 223, 979, 124); // -> 124
min([543, 333, 22, 1865, 976]); // -> 22
argument | type | description |
value | array of numbers or several args | where to look for the highest value |
const { max } = require("werkstatt");
max(264, 736, 223, 979, 124); // -> 979
max([543, 333, 22, 1865, 976]); // -> 1865
argument | type | description |
value | number | float number where decimales will be removed |
const { truncate } = require("werkstatt");
truncate(123.4567); // -> 123
argument | type | description |
lower | number | lower number desired |
upper | number | upper number desired |
precision | number | amount of decimals desired |
const { random } = require("werkstatt");
random(5, 10, 2); // -> 9.32
argument | type |
number | float |
const { roundUp } = require("werkstatt");
roundUp(3.2); // -> 4
argument | type |
number | float |
const { round } = require("werkstatt");
round(5.95); // -> 6
round(5.5); // -> 6
round(5.05); // -> 5
argument | type |
number | float |
const { roundDown } = require("werkstatt");
roundDown(3.8); // -> 3
argument | type | description | returns |
value | number, float | will be tested if is or not float | boolean |
const { isFloat } = require("werkstatt");
isFloat(6); // -> false
isFloat(6.5); // -> true
Or use the .float getter
exposed by the is()
const { is } = require("werkstatt");
is(5).float; // -> false
is(6.5).float; // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
value | string | string to capitalize first letter | string |
const { capitalizeFirstLetter } = require("werkstatt");
capitalizeFirstLetter("hola"); // -> 'Hola'
capitalizeFirstLetter("adios"); // -> 'Adios'
NOTE: this is an implementation of a Flavio's function
argument | type | description | returns |
value | string | will be tested if it satisfies an email format | boolean |
const { isEmail } = require("werkstatt");
isEmail("[email protected]"); // -> false
isEmail("[email protected]"); // -> true
Or use the .email getter
exposed by the is()
const { is } = require("werkstatt");
is("[email protected]").email; // -> false
is("[email protected]").email; // -> true
Best regex found out there.
argument | type | description | returns |
value | any | whether or not the value is a string | boolean |
const { isString } = require("werkstatt");
isString("Hola"); // -> true
isString([3]); // -> false
Or use the .string getter
exposed by the is()
const { is } = require("werkstatt");
is("Hola").string; // -> true
is([3]).tring; // -> false
argument | type | description | returns |
value | string | string to be slugified | string |
const { slufigy } = require("werkstatt");
slufigy("Hola Mundo"); // -> hola-mundo
slufigy("Verbos modales en ingles"); // -> verbos-modales-en-ingles
argument | type | description | returns |
value | any | value to be converted to string | string |
const { toString } = require("werkstatt");
toString(123); // -> "123"
toString({ greeting: 'hola' }); // -> '{"greeting":"hola"}'
Whenever JavaScript expects a boolean value (e.g. for the condition of an
statement), any value can be used. It will be interpreted as eithertrue
. The following values are interpreted asfalse
- undefined, null
- Boolean: false
- Number: -0, NaN
- String: ''
Speaking JavaScript by Alex Rauschmayer
That means that those values tend to to be false. So if you pass as parameter to isTruthy
function any of those values, it will return false
. All other values are considered true
const { isTruthy } = require("werkstatt");
isTruthy(3); // -> true
isTruthy({}); // -> true
isTruthy(undefined); // -> false
isTruthy(null); // -> false
isTruthy(false); // -> false
isTruthy(Number("hola")); // -> false
isTruthy(0); // -> false
isTruthy(-0); // -> false
isTruthy(""); // -> false
Exactly the opposite of isTruthy
const { isFalsy } = require("werkstatt");
isFalsy(3); // -> false
isFalsy(null); // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
value | array | will order the list in ascending mode | array (ordened) |
const { orderAsc } = require("werkstatt");
orderAsc([8, 10, 6]); // -> [6, 8, 10]
NOTE: this is an implementation of quicksort algorithm
argument | type | description | returns |
value | array, string, json | length of the passed argument | number |
const { lengthOf } = require("werkstatt");
lengthOf([8, 10, 6]); // -> 3
argument | type | description | returns |
value | array, string, json | test if the first argument has the desired length (that specified in the second argument) | boolean |
const { isLengthOf } = require("werkstatt");
isLengthOf([8, 10, 6], 3); // -> true
isLengthOf("hola", 0); // -> false
isLengthOf({ name: "Jorge", lasName: "Guerra" }, 2); // -> true
Or use the .lengthOf prop
exposed by the is()
const { is } = require("werkstatt");
is(2).lengthOf([1, 2]); // -> true
argument | type | description |
array | any | where the element will be inserted. |
index | any | at which the element will be inserted. |
elementToInsert | any | element to insert in the array. |
const { insertAt } = require("werkstatt");
insertAt([1, 2, 3], 1, 4); // -> [1, 4, 2, 3]
argument | type | description | returns |
values | number | array to test | boolean |
const { isArrayOfNumbers } = require("werkstatt");
isArrayOfNumbers([3, 6, 11, "hola"]); // -> false
isArrayOfNumbers([1, 2, 3]); // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
arrayLikeObject/NodeList | any | object to convert | array |
const { toArray } = require("werkstatt");
function testToArray() {
console.log(arguments); // array like object -> [Arguments] { '0': 1, '1': 2, '2': 3 }
return toArray(arguments);
testToArray(1, 2, 3); // -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
argument | type | description | returns |
value | any | whether or not the value is an array | boolean |
const { isArray } = require("werkstatt");
isArray("Hola"); // -> false
isArray([3]); // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
array | array | Array to be processed | array |
const { uniquify } = require("werkstatt");
const shoes = [
{ id: 1, name: "nikesb" },
{ id: 1, name: "nikesb" },
{ id: 2, name: "lakai" },
{ id: 2, name: "lakai" },
{ id: 3, name: "etnies" },
const unique = uniquify(shoes, (a, b) => a.id === b.id);
{ id: 1, name: "nikesb" },
{ id: 2, name: "lakai" },
{ id: 3, name: "etnies" },
argument | type | description |
array | array | Array to be processed |
transform | func | function to apply to element in the array |
const { map } = require("werkstatt");
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
map(numbers, (x) => x * 2); // -> [2, 4, 6]
argument | type | description |
array | array | Array to be processed |
const { last } = require("werkstatt");
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
last(numbers); // -> [3]
argument | type | description |
array | array | Array to be processed |
const { join } = require("werkstatt");
const array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
join(array); // -> abc
join(array, '-'); // -> a-b-c
argument | type | description |
array | array | Array to be processed |
const { union } = require("werkstatt");
union(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'z', 'x']); // -> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'x']
argument | type | description |
array | array | Array to be processed |
const { intersection } = require("werkstatt");
intersection(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'z', 'x']); // -> ['a']
argument | type |
target | object |
source | object |
const { mergeDeep } = require("werkstatt");
const obj1 = {
a: 1,
b: 1,
c: { x: 1, y: 1 },
d: [1, 1],
const obj2 = {
b: 2,
c: { y: 2, z: 2 },
d: [2, 2],
e: 2,
mergeDeep(obj1, obj2);
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 2 },
d: [ 1, 1, 2, 2 ],
e: 2
Author: jhildenbiddle
argument | type |
obj | any |
const { isObject } = require("werkstatt");
const obj1 = {
a: 1,
b: 1,
c: { x: 1, y: 1 },
d: [1, 1],
isObject(obj1); // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
value | any | will get the type of a passed value | string |
const { typeOf } = require("werkstatt");
typeOf(6.5); // -> float
typeOf([]); // -> array
typeOf({}); // -> object
typeOf(null); // -> 'null'
typeOf(undefined); // -> 'undefined'
typeOf("undefined"); // -> 'string'
typeOf(true); // -> 'boolean'
typeOf(() => {}); // -> 'function'
typeOf(6); // -> number
argument | type | description | returns |
n amount | any | args to compare | boolean |
const { areEqual } = require("werkstatt");
areEqual(100, 2); // -> false
var name;
areEqual(typeOf(name), "undefined"); // -> true
const numbers = [4, 3, 5, 7, 3, 9];
areEqual(...numbers); // -> false
const ages = [9, 9, 9, 9, 9];
areEqual(...ages); // -> true
NOTE: This function supports primitive values only because objects are not compared by value but by reference.
argument | type | description | returns |
value | any | will be tested if is undefined or not | boolean |
const { isUndefined } = require("werkstatt");
isUndefined(); // -> true
isUndefined("[email protected]"); // -> false
argument | type | description | returns |
value | any | will be tested if is or not defined | boolean |
const { isDefined } = require("werkstatt");
isDefined(100); // -> true
var name;
isDefined(name); // -> false
var age = null;
isDefined(age); // -> false
isDefined({}); // -> true
argument | type |
param | any |
const { isEmpty } = require("werkstatt");
isEmpty({}); // -> true
isEmpty({ hola: "adios" }); // -> false
isEmpty([]); // -> true
isEmpty(""); // -> true
isEmpty(3); // -> true
isEmpty(true); // -> true
currently supports array, object and string only.
argument | type | description | returns |
firstArgument | number | first value to be evaluated | boolean |
secondArgument | number | second value to be evaluated | boolean |
const { has } = require("werkstatt");
has([3, 5], 3); // -> true
has(["Hola", "adios"], "true"); // -> false
has("Jorge", "e"); // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
value | any | value to be evaluated | boolean |
const { isNull } = require("werkstatt");
var name = null;
isNull(name); // -> true
isNull("Hola"); // -> false
argument | type | description | returns |
args | array | arguments to match to a specific type | boolean |
const { every } = require("werkstatt");
every("adios" === "adios", "hola" === "hola").is.true; // -> true
every("adios", "hola").is.string; // -> true
every(1, 2).is.number; // -> true
argument | type | description | returns |
fns | array | functions to be executed | function |
const { compose } = require("werkstatt");
const h = (n) => n / 2;
const g = (n) => n + 1;
const f = (n) => n * 2;
compose(f, g, h)(20); // -> 22
argument | type | description | returns |
item | array, object | item on where to remove from | copy of item with props or values removed |
const { removeFrom } = require("werkstatt");
const object = {
name: "Jorge",
age: 20,
sex: "M",
// pass an array of props
const props = ["name", "sex"];
const newObject = removeFrom(object, props);
// or one prop as string
const newObject = removeFrom(object, "name");
// pass an array of values
const array = ["red", "blue", "pink"];
const values = ["blue", "red"];
const newArray = removeFrom(array, values);
// or one value as string
const array = ["red", "blue"];
const value = "blue";
const newArray = removeFrom(array, value);
more coming soon β¨
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- Run
npm install
to install dependencies - Create a branch for your PR with
git checkout -b your-branch-name
To keep
branch pointing to remote repository and make pull requests from branches on your fork. To do this, run:git remote add upstream https://github.com/sk8guerra/werkstatt.git git fetch upstream git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/master master
- Make your pull request π₯³