A WebSocket-Server module for PureBasic.
Open a WebSocket-Server:
*Server = WebSocket_Server::Create(8090, @WebSocket_Event())
Receive events as callback:
Procedure WebSocket_Event(*Server, *Client, Event, *Event_Frame.WebSocket_Server::Event_Frame)
Select Event
Case WebSocket_Server::#Event_Connect
PrintN(" #### Client connected: " + *Client)
Case WebSocket_Server::#Event_Disconnect
PrintN(" #### Client disconnected: " + *Client)
; !!!! From the moment you receive this event the *Client can not be used anymore !!!!
Case WebSocket_Server::#Event_Frame
PrintN(" #### Frame received from " + *Client)
Select *Event_Frame\Opcode
; #### OpCode is the type of frame you receive.
; #### Either Text, Binary-Data, Ping-Frames or other stuff.
; #### You only need to care about text and binary frames.
Send a text-frame:
WebSocket_Server::Frame_Text_Send(*Server, *Client, "Hello Client!")
Close and free a WebSocket-Server:
Here is an chat-example made with WebSockets. http://rawgit.com/Dadido3/WebSocket_Server/master/HTML/Chat_Client.html
This example needs to connect to a WebSocket server. If it doesn't connect to my server you can run your own local server. For this you just have to comile and run: