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Terraform module to deploy one or more EC2 instances or specific configurations


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Terraform modules to set up a few commonly used instances. Based on the instance types it will automatically set the ebs_optimized parameter based on a list in the instance module.


Available variables:

  • [project]: String(required): The current project
  • [environment]: String(required): How do you want to call your environment, this is helpful if you have more than 1 VPC.
  • [subnets]: List(string)(required): The subnets where the bastion host must be placed in.
  • [ami]: String(required): The id of the AMI created by Packer for the bastion host
  • [vpc_id]: String(required): The VPC id to launch the instance in.
  • [sg_all_id]: String(required): ID of the generic security group that will be extended to allow SSH access from the bastion host
  • [ssh_key_name]: String(required): Name of the sshkey to deploy on the bastion instance
  • [name]: String(optional):default bastion. Name of the instance
  • [instance_type]: String(optional):default t2.micro. The instance type to launch for the bastion host.
  • [sgs]: List(string)(optional):default []. Additional security groups to add to the bastion host.
  • [policy]: String(optional)default ec2:Describe*. Policy document to attach to the bastion host.
  • [termination_protection]: Bool(optional)default false. If true, enables EC2 Instance Termination Protection.
  • [public_ip]: Bool(optional)default false. Associate a public ip address with an instance in a VPC.
  • [root_vl_type]: String(optional)default gp2. The type of volume. Can be "standard", "gp2", or "io1".
  • [root_vl_size]: String(optional)default 30. The size of the volume in gigabytes.
  • [root_vl_delete]: Bool(optional)default true. Whether the volume should be destroyed on instance termination
  • [user_data]: List(string)(optional)default [""]. The user data to provide when launching the instance. If instance_count >1, each instance launched will use user_data with the corresponding user_data[count.index]
  • [ebs_block_devices]: List(map(string))(optional)default []. A list of objects defining ebs_block_device, as described in the terraform documentation:
  • [cpu_credits]: String(optional) default "standard". The type of cpu credits to use
  • [tags]: Map(optional): Optional tags to add to the instance.


  • [bastion_sg_id]: String: The ID of the security group
  • [instance_id]: String: The instance IDs.
  • [instance_az]: String: The availability zone of the instances.
  • [instance_key_name]: String: The key name of the instances
  • [instance_public_dns]: String: The public DNS name assigned to the instance. For EC2-VPC, this is only available if you've enabled DNS hostnames for your VPC
  • [instance_public_ip]: String: The public IP address assigned to the bastion. NOTE: If you are using an aws_eip with your instance, you should refer to the EIP's address directly and not use public_ip, as this field will change after the EIP is attached.
  • [instance_network_interface_id]: String: The ID of the network interface that was created with the instance
  • [instance_private_dns]: String: The private DNS name assigned to the instance. Can only be used inside the Amazon EC2, and only available if you've enabled DNS hostnames for your VPC
  • [instance_private_ip]: String: The private IP address assigned to the instances
  • [instance_vpc_security_group_id]: String: The associated security groups in non-default VPC
  • [instance_subnet_id]: String: The VPC subnet ID.
  • [iam_role_id]: String: The IAM Role ID attached to the bastion host.


module "bastion" {
  source = ""
  vpc_id        = module.vpc.vpc_id
  project       = var.project
  environment   = var.environment
  sg_all_id     = "sg-xxx"
  sgs           = ["sg-xxx","sg-xyz"]
  subnets       = ["subnet-xxx", "subnet-xyz"]
  ssh_key_name  = "mykey"
  ami           = "ami-123456"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"


Available variables:

  • [project]: String(required): The current project
  • [environment]: String(required): How do you want to call your environment, this is helpful if you have more than 1 VPC.
  • [name]: String(required): Name of the instance
  • [subnets]: List(string)(required): The subnets where the bastion host must be placed in.
  • [ami]: String(required): The id of the AMI created by Packer for the bastion host
  • [key_name]: String(required): Name of the sshkey to deploy on the bastion instance
  • [instance_type]: String(required): The instance type to launch for the bastion host.
  • [sgs]: List(string)(required): Additional security groups to add to the bastion host.
  • [instance_count]: Number(optional)default 1. Amount of bastion hosts to create.
  • [termination_protection]: Bool(optional)default false. If true, enables EC2 Instance Termination Protection
  • [public_ip]: Bool(optional)default false. Associate a public ip address with an instance in a VPC.
  • [root_vl_type]: String(optional)default gp2. The type of volume. Can be "standard", "gp2", or "io1".
  • [root_vl_size]: String(optional)default 30. The size of the volume in gigabytes.
  • [root_vl_delete]: Bool(optional)default true. Whether the volume should be destroyed on instance termination
  • [user_data]: List(string)(optional)default [""]. The user data to provide when launching the instance. If instance_count >1, each instance launched will use user_data with the corresponding user_data[count.index]
  • [ebs_block_devices]: List(map(string))(optional)default []. A list of objects defining ebs_block_device, as described in the terraform documentation:
  • [cpu_credits]: String(optional) default "standard". The type of cpu credits to use
  • [tags]: Map(optional): Optional tags to add to the instance.


  • [role_id]: String: The ID of the role
  • [role_name]: String: The name of the role
  • [instance_ids]: List(string): The instance IDs.
  • [instance_azs]: List(string): The availability zone of the instances.
  • [instance_key_names]: List(string): The key name of the instances
  • [instance_public_dns]: List(string): The public DNS name assigned to the instance. For EC2-VPC, this is only available if you've enabled DNS hostnames for your VPC
  • [instance_public_ips]: List(string): The public IP address assigned to the instance, if applicable. NOTE: If you are using an aws_eip with your instance, you should refer to the EIP's address directly and not use public_ip, as this field will change after the EIP is attached.
  • [instance_network_interface_ids]: List(string): The ID of the network interface that was created with the instances
  • [instance_private_dns]: List(string): The private DNS name assigned to the instance. Can only be used inside the Amazon EC2, and only available if you've enabled DNS hostnames for your VPC
  • [instance_private_ip]: List(string): The private IP address assigned to the instances
  • [instance_vpc_security_group_ids]: List(string): The associated security groups in non-default VPC
  • [instance_subnet_ids]: List(string): The VPC subnet ID.


module "bastion" {
  source = ""
  project       = var.project
  environment   = var.environment
  name          = "web"
  sgs           = ["sg-xxx","sg-xyz"]
  subnets       = ["subnet-xxx", "subnet-xyz"]
  key_name      = "mykey"
  ami           = "ami-123456"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"


This module compares the instance that gets passed as a variable to a list of all ebs_optimised instances. If it matches it returns true otherwise false.

Available variables:

  • [instance_type]: String(required): type of instance that you want to know if its ebs_optimised or not


  • [is_ebs_optimised]: Bool: the response whether that instance is ebs_optimised or not.


module "is_ebs_optimised" {
  source        = ""
  instance_type = "c5.large"


This module generates a script that bootstraps puppet on the server. It'll install puppet 4 and target by default.

Available variables:

  • [customer]: String(required): Customer name
  • [project]: String(optional): Name of the project
  • [environment]: String(required): Environment it runs in
  • [function]: String(required):Function of the server (eg web, db, elasticsearch)
  • [amount_of_instances]: String(optional): For how many instances do you need user data. Defaults to 1
  • [puppetmaster]: String(optional): Hostname of puppetmaster. Defaults to
  • [domain]: String(optional): Domain to set as hostname. Defaults to


  • [user_datas]: List(string): The generated user-data script for each instance.


module "tools_userdata" {
  source              = ""
  amount_of_instances = 1
  environment         = terraform.workspace
  customer            = var.customer
  function            = "tools"