#PodNotify Android notification SDK that based on Async and works with Fanap's POD service.
add this line to Application class:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// ...
and initialize and build the Notification module:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ...
PodNotify podNotify = new PodNotify.builder()
and then start the service:
to get the notification and notification extras, create a service that extends from PodMessagingService
public class MyMessagingService extends PodMessagingService {
public void onMessageReceived(Notification notification) {
//your code that use Notification object
attention: Use super.onMessageReceived(notification);
if you want to display the received message automatically; Otherwise it can be ignored.
and then declare the service in Android Manifest
<action android:name="com.fanap.podnotify.MESSAGING_EVENT"/>
attention: do not remove/change action from declaration.
to get the device peer id on every change, create a service that extends from PodInstanceIdService
public class MyInstanceIdService extends PodInstanceIdService {
public void onPeerIdChanged(String peerId) {
//your code... (eg. send PeerId to your server)
and then declare the service in Android Manifest
<action android:name="com.fanap.podnotify.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT"/>
attention: do not remove/change action from declaration.
public class Notification {
private String title;
private String text;
private Long messageId;
private String senderId;
private Map<String,String> extras;
// Getters and setters for fields.