The pru-gcc toolchain source and build instructions are located at .
The following simple examples are available. Check the in each subdirectory for detailed instructions.
The "hello world" example of the embedded world. Both PRU cores of a Beaglebone Black are started to toggle GPIOs. PRU0 core is programmed in C, while the firmware for PRU1 core is written in assembler.
Two host loader examples are provided - one for the old UIO mechanism, and one for the new Remoteproc driver.
Blinking led firmware written in C++.
Remoteproc/rpmsg example for measuring distance using the HC-SR04 ultrasound range sensor.
Calculate MD5 checksum for a known data chunk on both the ARM loader and one PRU core. Then UIO-based loader reads and compares the two checksums.
PRUs on a Beaglebone White fetch RGB565 streams from two OV7670 camera modules. The UIO host-side loader then saves the images from the shared DDR-SDRAM memory into PPM files. The example shows how to access shared buffers in DDR-SDRAM, and how to write time-critical code sequences in inline assembly.
Simulate your PRU executable on your PC. Note that pru-run is an ISA only simulator. Digital I/O is not simulated. Neither is OCP access.
Same simulator project as sim-hello, but written in C++ instead of C.