⚠️ This package is still in development
A Composable Search Library for Ecto.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding trove
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:trove, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/trove.
|> Trove.search(%{message: "Find me"})
|> Repo.all()
Run docker-compose up -d
to start the database.
Run mix deps.get
to install dependencies.
Run mix test
to run tests.
- Search by fields on schema
- Preload relationships
- Sorting (case sensitive)
- Paginated results
- Search with ilike, gte and other modifiers
- HTTP params transform util function
- Search by relations fields
- Search one relation level deep
- Search "infinite" levels deep
- Sort with transforms
- Schema information caching (ie Cache available_filters per module/schema)
Add custom filters to searchcan be added to the returned query - ^ OR filters validation built from macros
- Setup data once for all tests
- In memory database?
I'd like to eventually add support for better field searching to match this api: https://hexdocs.pm/ecto_shorts/EctoShorts.html#module-actions
The ideal api would look something like:
# would it be possible to put this on the Person and if the schema model doesn't have it throw a validation error
# pass :all to allow all fields
# override-able in the search function?
# or just make it the only way to set the allowed fields
@allowed_fields Trove.allowed_fields(Person, [:first_name])
search_terms = %{
first_name: %{ilike: "Scott"},
vehicle_make: "Rivian",
vehicle: %{
make: "Rivian"
year: %{gte: 2022}
# utility function (this is run in Trove.search before the query is created)
Trove.validate_search(Person, search_terms)
# Trove.search! pattern
|> Trove.search!(
page: 1,
limit: 10,
preloads: [vehicle: :parking_reservation]
sort: [first_name: :asc]
allowed_fields: allowed_fields
|> Repo.all()
# Trove.search pattern
case Trove.search(
pagination: %{page: 1, limit: 10}
page: 1,
limit: 10,
preloads: [vehicle: :parking_reservation]
}) do
{:ok, search} -> Repo.all()
{:error, {:{type}, message}} -> message
total_count = Person
|> Trove.search(search_terms)
|> Repo.aggregate(:count)
- getting compile time helpers like ilike, gte, date between working
Should be solved by EctoShorts
- could be generating unoptimized queries
It may create marginally slower queries for basic searches but this is not meant to be used to replace report type queries
- avoid making api params directly assignable to search terms
Solved by validation input
- validating user input
- avoiding infinitely recursive relation queries (especially for many-to-many)
Could be solved with a configurable limit
- error handling -> bubbling errors up to user.
Trove should handle as much as possible