A media viewer and file manager for the PlayStation 2
myPS2 is licensed under the GPL. See the file LICENSE included in this distribution for licensing terms.
Copyright © 2005-2006 Torben Könke
You need to have PS2SDK to compile myPS2.
You will have to download these 2 modules before compiling:
Can be found on ps2dev.org under "Projects"
LIBCDVD: CD+DVD Filing System for PS2 1.15
Place it under /irx/cdvd/
Can be found on ps2dev.org under "Sample Code"
SjPCM v2.1 - PCM streaming library for the PS2)
Place it under /irx/sjpcm/
Can be found in PS2Dev Svn under /ps2/usb_mass/.
Place it under /irx/usb_mass/
You will also have to checkout ps2eth from SVN (/ps2/ps2eth/) and compile it to build the ps2smap.irx module (It's also included in the PS2Link v1.24 download) and place it under /irx/ps2smap/.
I have made some changes to the PS2IPS module. You can find the changed files under /ps2sdk/ps2sdksrc/.
To compile just 'make' the makefile in the main directory and it should put out a MYPS2.ELF in the same directory.
A workspace for compiling from Visual C++ 6.0 can be found in /vc6/.