- AppLauncher
- config and Css file for styling
- Gtk 4 and Gtk4 Layer Shell
- fzf search
- Clipboard manager
- Calculator
- stdin
Example of adding a key bind in Hyprland to start lumastart
wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = {
"$mod" = "SUPER";
bind = [
"$mod, Space, exec, pkill lumastart || lumastart";
To get the blur working on Hyprland, you can add this:
layerrule=blur, ^(lumastart)$
To have the app only have blur and not the whole screen, you can add this:
layerrule=ignorezero, ^(lumastart)$
# flake
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
lumastart.url = "github:spector700/lumastart";
Then put the package in environment.systemPackages
or home.packages
# packages
{ inputs, pkgs, ... }:
home.packages = with pkgs; [
Download and run the binary.
The default config and style files will be created at /.config/lumastart/
└── lumastart
├── lumastart.conf
└── style.css
Key | Description |
Enter |
activate selection |
Arrow Keys |
Navigation |
Tab and Shift + Tab |
Navigation |
Escape |
close |
Click outside the window |
close |
You need the following installed to build and run, or use the nix dev shell
Build tools:
- cmake
- pkg-config
- meson
- ninja
- gtk4-layer-shell
- gtkmm4
- glibmm_2_68
cd lumastart
make run