This directory contains the lightly modified benchmark downloads from The intent is to have tool kits that are 100% compatible with Splice Machine while remaining true to form for TPC benchmarks.
TPC-C is an OLTP or trnasactional benchmark Splice Machine currently uses a project derived from (a very old version of) oltpbenchmark. This work will be made publicly available soon.
TPC-H a slightly older OLAP benchmark. The tools here have only been slightly modified and the query templates do not generate splice compatible query statements yet. This will be revisited soon.
TPC-DS the latest OLAP type benchmark from the TPC. The code and templates here have been modified to work with Splice Machine. The commit hsitory in the project serves as a guide to see the necessary modifications. The intent is to only modify what is necessary to get past syntax/parser differences, and not impact the auditability of the queries/benchmark run generated by this tool.