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Frequently Asked Questions

sabas edited this page Apr 23, 2013 · 2 revisions

(I need to find my old list. Just adding one that I thought belonged on here)

Q: I'm getting "Secret token mismatch" errors. How can I fix this?

A: (Courtesy of kryngledaly) Check the permissions for your php session variable folder ( usually /var/lib/php/session ) and make sure your web server has access.

Q: I have installed php-calendar, tried to change language, but I don't see the text translated.

A: First go in the locale directory, and check that exists in the folder related to the language you're looking for ( ex. it\LC_MESSAGES ). If it doesn't exists, run install\translate.php. If the file exists, probably you haven't the gettext extension installed in the server. Download this file, copy it in the root directory and include it in includes\setup.php.

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