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Warlock Scripting Language
We call it WSL for Wizard Scripting Language or Warlock Scripting Language, you decide.
Our scripting language is designed to be a superset of the language from the Wizard and from Wrayth with some minor restrictions on variable names.
We've added a regex version of most matching commands. For the specifics of the regex syntax, see: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html
Most lines consist of a single command with some argument(s). Ex.
echo Hello, World.
match testLabel some text that you want to match
Commands are not case sensitive, and they can contain variables. Ex.
setVariable type re
setVariable exp /matches\s*a\s*(\w+)/
setVariable number /-?(\d+)(\.\d+)?/
match%type wordLabel %exp
match%type numberLabel %number
You can use variables within any line. Variables start with "%" or "$", such as "%foo" or they are enclosed in them such as "%foo%". Always use the latter form when you want to give some text or concatenate variables, such as "%foo%World.". If "%foo" is set to "Hello," that would result in "Hello,World." Ex.
setVariable target World
setVariable var target
echo Hello, %target%.
echo Hello, %{var}.
Both echo statements would display "Hello, World."
Variables can contain any characters. Variable names must start with a letter or underscore, and they can contain letters, underscores, periods, and digits.
You can start any line with a name follow by a ":" to label that line. On any like preceding or following that line, you can "goto" that line. Ex.
goto myLabel
echo No!!
echo I hope you find this example useful
The first line will cause the execution of the script to jump to the 3rd line "myLabel:" and the execution will continue with the echo.
Labels may only contain letters, underscores, periods, and digits, but they don't have the same starting letter restriction of variables.
Functions are very much like labels. They are defined by labels, but instead of using "goto" to jump to them, you use "gosub". "gosub" can be passed any number of arguments, which will be stored in "%arg1", "%arg2", etc with the entire list being stored as a map in "%args". "return" brings execution back to the command after you called the function. Ex.
gosub printHello World
echo Good-bye
echo Hello, %arg1%.
The result of this would be printing "Hello, World." followed by "Good-bye".
IMPORTANT See NOTE under #Matchre
if <expression> then <command>
If the expression evaluates to true, the command is run. Expressions are rather complicated so I'll just put the definition here and try to use them in the examples. This is not a real definition, just an approximation. The actual definition is more complicated in order to preserve the order of operations.
expression := expression infixOperator expression
| ( "not" | "exists" ) expression
| expression "[" expression "]"
| "(" expression ")"
| variable
| string
| boolean
| number
infixOperator := "and" | "or" | "=" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
Local variables are scoped to their function. They can be accessed, but not changed from another function. "%arg" and "%args" are local variables. Other local variables can be set with the "local" command. Ex.
local var1 foo
gosub testing
echo The value in var1 is %var1
local var1 bar
echo The value in var1 is %var1
They output of this sequence would be "The value in var1 is bar" followed by "The value in var1 is foo".
Sometimes you need to know whether a condition is true before deciding what to do. The if/then/else construct allows you to do this. It's done in the form: if then
. Any subsequent command starting with "else" will be executed on if the "if" condition evaluates to false. Ex.
if %components[roomplayers] contains "Eanur" then put say Hello, Eanur
else put say I really wish Eanur were here.
Text listeners set a variable when text matches the output from the server.
VAR jugglies balls
UNSETVAR goodbye
SETTEXTLISTENER hello says, hello
SETTEXTLISTENER goodbye says, good-bye
MATCH no_balls referring to
MATCH talk_reset roundtime
MATCHRE jugglew /^Sorry,|\.\.\.wait/i
PUT juggle my %jugglies
UNSETVAR goodbye
GOTO juggle
ECHO You have no %jugglies to juggle with!
addtextlistener <variable name> <string>
When string
matches part of a line, variable name
is set to the entire line.
addtextlistenerre <variable name> <regex>
Regex version of addtextlistener
. variable name
is set to the matched text.
addtohighlightstrings <args>
This is taken directly from Wrayth and should match the functionality from there.
Removes all text listeners
counter <operator> <argument>
The operand for counter
is always %c.
- set - Sets the operand to the argument. Ex.
counter set 10
Results in%c = 10
- add - Adds the argument to the operand. Ex.
counter add 5
Results in%c = 15
- subtract - Subracts the argument from the operand. Ex.
counter subtract 3
Results in%c = 12
- multiply - Multiplies the operand by the argument. Ex.
counter multiply 6
Results in%c = 72
- divide - Divides the operand by the argument. Ex.
counter divide 5
Results in%c = 14
Counter set %t
Counter divide 60
SetVariable RUNTIME %c
ECHO *****************************
ECHO Running for %RUNTIME% minutes.
ECHO *****************************
debug <string>
Writes a string to the debug log.
debuglevel <numeric value (0 - 50)>
Determines how much to send to the debug log.
delay <seconds>
Same as pause
, except does not wait for the end of a roundtime.
Follows the same format as Wrayth.
deleteVariable <variableName>
removes the value stored in %variableName
Caveat: As of the time of this writing it has no impact on the value stored on the server.
prints the text to the screen.
Sends a message to the debug log with error priority level.
stops the currently running script.
gosub <label> <argument1> <argument2> .. <argumentN>
goes to the <label>
and stores the arguments in args
. argument
in args[1]
, etc.
If you want to pass multi word variables enclose them in quotes.
GoSub SUB_TEST oneword "two words" "three long words" anotherword
ECHO 1 = %args[1]
ECHO 2 = %args[2]
ECHO 3 = %args[3]
ECHO 4 = %args[4]
1 = oneword 2 = two words 3 = three long words 4 = anotherword
When the function returns, all local variables are reverted to the values they contained before the gosub
goto <label>
moves execution to <label>
if then
executes the <command>
only when <condition>
is true.
can be:
<value> = <value>
- is true when both values are equivalent. Ex.if %c = 5 then ...
Alias: == -
<value> <> <value>
- is true when both values are not equivalent. Ex.if %c <> 5 then ...
Alias: != -
<value> > <value>
- is true when the first value is greater than the second value. Ex.if %c > 5 then ...
<value> >= <value>
- is true when the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. Ex.if %c >= 5 then ...
<value> < <value>
- is true when the first value is less than the second value. Ex.if %c < 5 then ...
<value> <= <value>
- is true when the first value is less than or equal to the second value. Ex.if %c <= 5 then ...
<condition> || <condition>
- is true when either condition is true. Ex.if %c > 5 || $1 = "try" then ...
Alias: or -
<condition> && <condition>
- is true when both conditions are true. Ex.if %c > 5 && $1 = "require" then ...
Alias: and -
<string> contains <string>
- is true when the second string is a substring of the first string. Ex.if %roomexits contains "east" then put east
Alias: indexof -
<string> containsre <string>
- is true when the second string is a substring of the first string as expressed in a regular expression.If %roomexits containsre "\beast|\bwest" then put search
- is true when value is false. Ex.if !%happy then put say I'm so unhappy.
Alias: not -
exists <variable>
- is true when the variable exists. Ex.if exists %mood then put say I'm in a mood.
If NOT - Here are some examples of using not. If %monstercount != 0 then echo Monsters in the room!
If not (%monstercount = 0) then echo Monsters in the room!
If not (%MyVar contains "a word") then echo %MyVar does not have the string "a word" in it.
If not (%MyVar containsre "\d+") then echo %MyVar doesn't have any numbers in it.
If (not (%rhand contains "broadsword") || not (%rhand contains "scimitar")) && %lhand contains "shield" then echo I don't have a broadsword or a scimitar in my right hand, but I've got my shield in my left hand.
If not (%rhand containsre "broadsword|scimitar") && %lhand contains "shield" then echo I don't have a broadsword or a scimitar in my right hand, but I've got my shield in my left hand.
SetVariable WEAPON broadsword
SetVariable WIELD-STR wield my %WEAPON
If (%WIELD-STR containsre "(left|LEFT)" && %lhand contains %WEAPON) || (not (%WIELD-STR containsre "(left|LEFT)") && %rhand contains %WEAPON) then GoSub SUB_ECHO1
else ECHO You have a %WEAPON in your right hand.
ECHO Your right hand does not contain %WEAPON
if_# <command>
- if_9
execute <command>
if the variable associated with that number, %0
- %9
is set.
match <label> <text>
Sets some text to match output against for the next matchwait
. When there is a match, execution is restarted at <label>
. Ex.
match rt Roundtime
match error referring
put juggle balls
echo Done juggling.
matchre <label> <regex>
This follows very closely to match
, except rather than matching with text, it matches with a regular expression. For constructing regular expressions, please see [http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html Java Patterns]. They must be given in the form: /text to match/
with an optional trailing i for case insensitive patterns. You may find downloading and useing [http://www.ultrapico.com/Expresso.htm this tool] of high value in attempting to understand and trouble shoot regular expressions.
The matched groups from regular expressions are stored in the variables $0, $1, etc. $0 is the entire match, $1 is the first group, etc. See the page on Java Patterns for more information about groups.
'''NOTE''' Take care when using capture groups in actions, you can inadvertently pass that capture to a sub. To avoid this you can specify a non-capture with this sytax:
action SetVariable MINDSTATE LOCKED when Overall state of mind:\s+(?:very murky|thick|very thick|dense|very dense)
action SetVariable MINDSTATE CLEAR when Overall state of mind:\s+(?:clear|fluid|murky)
The "?:" keeps the string inside the parens from becoming the local variable $1
Practical example of regular expression matching;
Example assumes you've set the variable DIR2GO in previous code
MOVE2NEW-ROOMW: Pause MOVE2NEW-ROOM: Matchre CRITTERLOOKCOUNT /need to disengage first|You are engaged/i Matchre MOVE-OCCUPIED /also here|CAUTION: SNIPERS|alfar avenger/i Matchre MOVE-CLEANUP /Obvious\s(?:paths|exits)/i Matchre MOVE2NEW-ROOMW /^Sorry,|\.\.\.wait/i put %DIR2GO MatchWait 5 ECHO ~~~ Match Failed MOVE2NEW-ROOM: GoTo GET-MOVE-DIR
waits until one of the match
es matches some text. An optional argument of timeout will force the matchwait to stop waiting after the given number of seconds and continue execution.
is identical to counter
, except the result is stored in rather than
SUB_CALCRUNTIME: SetVariable TIMENUM %t SetVariable NUMINT %TIMENUM SetVariable NUM %TIMENUM Math NUM Modulus 60 Setvariable CNTSEC %NUM Math NUMINT subtract %NUM Math NUMINT divide 60 SetVariable CNTMIN %NUMINT Pause ECHO ********************************************** ECHO Running for %CNTMIN% minutes, %CNTSEC seconds. ECHO ********************************************** Return
This ones a little easier to digest maybe... ********************************************** SetVariable CRITTER-COUNT %monstercount SetVariable DEAD-NUM 0 ECHO roomobjects = %roomobjects If %roomobjects contains "appears dead" then SetVariable DEAD-NUM 1 ECHO DEAD-NUM = %DEAD-NUM Math CRITTER-COUNT subtract %DEAD-NUM ECHO CRITTER-COUNT = %CRITTER-COUNT DeleteVariable DEAD-NUM If %CRITTER-COUNT < 1 then return Else put retreat return
is equivalent to put
followed by nextroom
A practical note on moving around in DR via script.
Experience has shown me that move
will sometimes fail when round time occurs, the brook you cross in the NW section of Goblins/Hogs West of the Crossing is a good example. To avoid stalling out you may want to consider the following sub routine and or some derivation of it for those instances.
MAIN-SCRIPT: move e GoSub SUB_SWIM e move e Exit SUB_SWIM: SetVariable SWIM-DIR $1 GoTo SWIM-MOVE SWIM-MOVEW: Pause SWIM-MOVE: Matchre SUB_RETURN /Obvious\s(?:paths|exits)/i Matchre SWIM-MOVEW /^Sorry,|\.\.\.wait/i put %SWIM-DIR MatchWait 15 ECHO Failed Match SWIM-MOVE: Exit SUB_RETURN: return
waits for a signal the your character has moved into a new room.
waits the specified period of time, and then continues waiting until the current roundtime has expired. is an optional parameter and if omitted,
waits for 1 second.
plays a sound file contained in the same directory as the script. Types of sound files supported depends on platform. WAV's are usually the best bet.
sends to the server.
caveat: If you "put .scriptname", it will run the script "scriptname" and exit the current running script. This is for backwards compatibility with how stormfront does things. If you want to run the scripts concurrently, see the Run command.
sets %r
to a random value between and
removetextlistener <name>
Removes all text listeners associated with name
takes execution back to where it was before the function was called. The state of local variables is returned to what it was before the function was called.
run <script name>
will attempt to run script name
as a script. It is similar to using put .<script name>
except run will leave the current script active whereas using put would cancel the current running script in favor for the new one.
This is not yet implemented in Warlock 3
stores into
send <string>
Exactly the same put
except does not wait for round time.
setVariable <variableName> <value>
stores <value>
into variableName
Caveat: As of the time this was written, we do not store variables on the server.
Removes the first argument and moves all of the others down one place. %2
becomes %1
, etc.
timer (start|stop|clear)
Uses variable %t
to keep track of elapsed time. start
begins/resumes the timer. stop
pauses the timer. clear
resets the timer to 0.
unsetlocal <variableName>
Unsets the local variable variableName
unsetvar <variableName>
Unsets the global script variable variableName
var <variableName> <value>
Sets global script varible variableName
to value
Halts execution until a prompt is received.
waitfor <text>
halts execution until <text>
is received.
waitforre <regex>
is identical to waitfor
except it takes a regular expression and the groups are stored like matchre
- %t - variable used by the timer
- %c - variable used by
- %s - variable modified by
- %r - variable modified by
- %rt - time remaining on the roundtime
- %properties - map variable containing various changing elements. %properties["roundtime"] contains the current roundtime.
- %components - map variable containing the stream components. %components["exp Appraisal"] contains the current value of the stream components for the exp of "Appraisal".
[Mistwood Forest, Treetop] From your vantage point you can see a stone road below. To the east, as the forest thins, the branches become less dense and tangled. A series of blue rags, tied to branches, marks a route through the thinning forest canopy to the east. The trunk of one tree is scratched on one side, as if it has been used frequently to climb between the ground and the treetops. You also see some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a gold-taloned elder forest gryphon that is flying around, a scruffy leopard that is sitting, a fiery fissure and some junk. Also here: Bogus who is surrounded by an opalescent cobalt blue ethereal shield. Obvious paths: east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest. [script started: 1] [1]: *************************************** [1]: ~~Title = Room - Mistwood Forest, Treetop [1]: *************************************** [1]: ~~roomdesc = From your vantage point you can see a stone road below. To the east, as the forest thins, the branches become less dense and tangled. A series of blue rags, tied to branches, marks a route through the thinning forest canopy to the east. The trunk of one tree is scratched on one side, as if it has been used frequently to climb between the ground and the treetops. [1]: *************************************** [1]: ~~roomobjects = You also see some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a gold-taloned elder forest gryphon that is flying around, a yelith root, a bishop arrowhead, a scruffy leopard that is sitting and a fiery fissure. [1]: *************************************** [1]: ~~roomplayers = Also here: Bogus [1]: *************************************** [1]: ~~roomexits = Obvious paths: east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest [1]: *************************************** [script stopped: 1]