- Provides an easy way to run hook.io API services
- Designed for minimal size, memory, and cpu footprint
- Choice of
style APIs - Does ship with a minimalist Command Line Interface
npm install -g hook.io-sdk
- Hook
- Datastore
- Domains
- Logs
- Events
- Keys
- Files
- Env
- Domains
The easiest way to get started using the SDK is by checking out the examples folder.
see: /examples
Most SDK methods require an authorized API Access Key with a corresponding access role. In order to use these authorized API methods, you must first generate an API Access Key for free at hook.io.
Once you have an API Access key, simply add this hook_private_key
to the sdk client configuration. This will enable authorized communication with the hook.io REST API.
var sdk = require("hook.io-sdk");
var client = sdk.createClient({});
owner: "examples",
name: "echo",
method: "POST",
data: { "foo": "bar" }
}, function (err, res) {
console.log(err, res)
To enable promises, make sure to set the promises
configuration option to true
when calling sdk.createClient
var sdk = require("hook.io-sdk");
var client = sdk.createClient({ promises: true });
client.hook.run({ owner: "examples", name: "echo", method: "POST", data: { "foo": "bar" } }).then(function (res){
}, function(err){
console.log('error', err)
Now all SDK API methods have promises!
Usage: hook [options] [command]
clone clones existing hook
config manage SDK config
deploy deploy hook to the cloud
alias create hostname alias for hook
examples show list of example hooks
get get hook document
init initialize new local service
list list all hooks
run run hook in the cloud
whoami returns currently logged in user
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
All commands are available as separate git style binaries
Such as: hook-list, hook-info, hook-run, hook-deploy, etc
Many commands also contain additional sub-commands. See ./bin
for more details.
The quickest way to configure the hook.io-sdk
with hook.io
is by running the following command:
hook config key
This will open a prompt asking for a valid hook_private_key
which may be generated at https://hook.io/keys.
host: "hook.io",
port: 443,
protocol: 'https',
hook_private_key: "12345"
Generate Access Keys at https://hook.io/keys