A complete website and a trained CNN model of 73% accuracy that can predict if a given tweet(text) is suicidal or not. The users of the platform can use the model to test the sentiment of the tweet. All the results will be visible to the admin. This is useful in predicting suicidal content and alerting neccesarry authorities to provide neccessary care.
python manage.py runserver
- Python (v3.8+)
- Tensorflow 2.8.0
- Django 3.0
- Seaborn
- Tweety
- Praw
- Keras
- Requests
- Nltk
- tqdm
- pickle
- sklearn + scikit-learn 0.22.2.post1
Run the following command to download nltk modules:
import nltk
Note: Use the following command to install dependencies
pip install <dependency-name>==<version(if specified)>