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Stephane Carrez edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

Generic name/value property management

Property Files

The Util.Properties package and children implements support to read, write and use property files either in the Java property file format or the Windows INI configuration file. Each property is assigned a key and a value. The list of properties are stored in the Util.Properties.Manager tagged record and they are indexed by the key name. A property is therefore unique in the list. Properties can be grouped together in sub-properties so that a key can represent another list of properties.

File formats

The property file consists of a simple name and value pair separated by the = sign. Thanks to the Windows INI file format, list of properties can be grouped together in sections by using the [section-name] notation.


Using property files

An instance of the Util.Properties.Manager tagged record must be declared and it provides various operations that can be used. When created, the property manager is empty. One way to fill it is by using the Load_Properties procedure to read the property file. Another way is by using the Set procedure to insert or change a property by giving its name and its value.

In this example, the property file is loaded and assuming that it contains the above configuration example, the Get ("test.count") will return the string "20". The property test.repeat is then modified to have the value "23" and the properties are then saved in the file.

with Util.Properties;
   Props : Util.Properties.Manager;
      Props.Load_Properties (Path => "");
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Count: " & Props.Get ("test.count");
      Props.Set ("test.repeat", "23");
      Props.Save_Properties (Path => "");

To be able to access a section from the property manager, it is necessary to retrieve it by using the Get function and giving the section name. For example, to retrieve the test.count property of the FileTest section, the following code is used:

   FileTest : Util.Properties.Manager := Props.Get ("FileTest");
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("[FileTest] Count: "
                            & FileTest.Get ("test.count");

When getting or removing a property, the NO_PROPERTY exception is raised if the property name was not found in the map. To avoid that exception, it is possible to check whether the name is known by using the Exists function.

   if Props.Exists ("test.old_count") then
      ... --  Property exist
   end if;

Reading JSON property files

The Util.Properties.JSON package provides operations to read a JSON content and put the result in a property manager. The JSON content is flattened into a set of name/value pairs. The JSON structure is reflected in the name. Example:

{ "id": "1",                                 id         -> 1
  "info": { "name": "search",        -> search
            "count", "12",                   info.count -> 12
            "data": { "value": "empty" }},  -> empty
  "count": 1                                 info.count -> 1

To get the value of a JSON property, the user can use the flatten name. For example:

 Value : constant String := Props.Get ("");

The default separator to construct a flatten name is the dot (.) but this can be changed easily when loading the JSON file by specifying the desired separator:

 Util.Properties.JSON.Read_JSON (Props, "config.json", "|");

Then, the property will be fetch by using:

 Value : constant String := Props.Get ("info|data|value");

Property bundles

Property bundles represent several property files that share some overriding rules and capabilities. Their introduction comes from Java resource bundles which allow to localize easily some configuration files or some message. When loading a property bundle a locale is defined to specify the target language and locale. If a specific property file for that locale exists, it is used first. Otherwise, the property bundle will use the default property file.

A rule exists on the name of the specific property locale file: it must start with the bundle name followed by _ and the name of the locale. The default property file must be the bundle name. For example, the bundle dates is associated with the following property files:           Default values (English locale)        French locale        German locale        Spain locale

Because a bundle can be associated with one or several property files, a specific loader is used. The loader instance must be declared and configured to indicate one or several search directories that contain property files.

with Util.Properties.Bundles;
   Loader : Util.Properties.Bundles.Loader;
   Bundle : Util.Properties.Bundles.Manager;
   Util.Properties.Bundles.Initialize (Loader,
   Util.Properties.Bundles.Load_Bundle (Loader, "dates", "fr", Bundle);
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Bundle.Get ("util.month1.long");

In this example, the util.month1.long key is first searched in the dates_fr French locale and if it is not found it is searched in the default locale.

The restriction when using bundles is that they don't allow changing any value and the NOT_WRITEABLE exception is raised when one of the Set operation is used.

When a bundle cannot be loaded, the NO_BUNDLE exception is raised by the Load_Bundle operation.

Advance usage of properties

The property manager holds the name and value pairs by using an Ada Bean object.

It is possible to iterate over the properties by using the Iterate procedure that accepts as parameter a Process procedure that gets the property name as well as the property value. The value itself is passed as an Util.Beans.Objects.Object type.

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