A framework composed by two tools:
- LaunchCollectors.py automates the collection of performance data using ocperf and sar.
- Main.py automates the parsing, selection, aggregation and plotting processes of data from csv files reported by tools like Sar, PCM, perf and benchmarks like RUBBoS and SPECpower.
- Main-live.py works as Main.py, but it accept just one sar and one perf report files, that are analised using the desired interval. It outputs results to stdout.
Execute LaunchCollectors.py passing as arguments the Sar Interval and Count parameters, the ocperf directory and the output directory.
$ ./LaunchCollectors.py interval count /path/to/pmu-tools /path/to/output/dir
Change the BenchmarkAnalysisConfig.py file constants accordingly to your desired configuration (depending on benchmark and output parameters). Execute main.py passing as arguments the path of reports directory (that contains N folders, each one containing the report files of a single test) and the output folder. Each reporting directory must contains these csv files:
- perf.csv: report of perf tool
- sar.csv: report of sar tool
- benchmark.csv : report of benchmark
$ ./main.py /path/to/report/dir /path/to/output/dir
Optional parameters are:
- -pcm: parse the pcm.csv (report of Intel PCM tool) file placed in report directory.
- -sysconfig: parse the sysConfig.csv file placed in each report directory in order to set the system configuration relative to the report. If not used, user must change SUTConfig.py manual parameters accordingly to the system configuration. Notice that in this case the system configuration is unique for each report directory.
$ ./main.py /path/to/report/dir /path/to/output/dir -sysconfig -pcm
Change the BenchmarkAnalysisConfig.py file constants accordingly to your desired configuration (depending on output parameters). Execute main-live.py passing as arguments the path of directory containing the report files and the desired interval Files to be placed in the report directory are:
- perf.csv: report of perf tool
- sar.csv: report of sar tool
$ ./main-live.py /path/to/report/dir interval
Optional parameters are:
- -sysconfig: parse the single sysConfig.csv file placed in the root of reports directory. If not used, user must change SUTConfig.py manual parameters accordingly to the system configuration.
$ ./main.py /path/to/report/dir interval -sysconfig
The file benchmark.csv must have the following column structure:
Timestamp Start | Timestamp End | Run # | Tot Clients | Tot Avg X | Tot Avg R | Tot Avg U |
YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss | YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss | n | k | x | r | u |
2016-1-26 23:23:31 | 2016-1-26 23:26:31 | 1 | 840 | 131 | 2 | 12.0975 |