A collectd exec "plugin" for scraping netger gs10X series switch webpages for port usage status. All values are in bits.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To run manually:
python3 gs.py <switch_hostname> <password>
Or in collectd.conf
LoadPlugin exec
<Plugin exec>
Exec "user:group" "python3" "/path/to/gs.py" "myswitch.local" "supers3cretpassword"
Note: Don't try to get collectd to run it as root, it won't let you. I'm not sure if there's a way to force it but it's not a good idea anyway.
I realise the exec plugin is not a good way to get collectd to run python script, there is a perfectly good python plugin for that - but this way it keeps things simple and means the python script can be run from the command line as well.
Remember to add rxPkt, txpkt (yes, that's a lower case 'p' in txpkt) and crcPkt to your types.db file.
rxPkt value:GAUGE:0:U
txpkt value:GAUGE:0:U
crcPkt value:GAUGE:0:U
or if you want collectd to find the derivitive data rates:
rxPkt value:DERIVE:0:U
txpkt value:DERIVE:0:U
crcPkt value:DERIVE:0:U