This repository contains implementations of several algorithms designed for pathfinding and optimization tasks, particularly in the context of public transportation scheduling. The algorithms included are A*, Dijkstra's, and Tabu Search, with optimizations and specific adaptations for dealing with complex transfers.
- A Algorithm*: Standard implementation for pathfinding in graphs.
- A Optimisation*: Improved version of the A* algorithm with optimizations for better performance in specific scenarios.
- A Transfers*: A* algorithm adaptation that considers transfer times between different modes of transportation.
- Dijkstra's Algorithm: Classic algorithm for finding the shortest paths from a single source vertex to all other vertices in a graph.
- Tabu Search: Optimization algorithm that uses a local search method for solving mathematical optimization problems.
Data for testing these algorithms can be obtained from: OpenData Wroclaw Public Transportation Schedules
Ensure you have a C++ compiler installed, such as GCC or Clang. The code is standard C++ and should work in any compliant environment.
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git clone