Provide make backup of messages from telegram channels even if they were delete by the owner of channel or forward messages from private channels to your channel (if you have access and owner does not restrict sharing posts)
Script has forward modes:
- all messages
- contains words
- only images
- only documents
- only documents with special format
- only audio
- only video
- only voice
Script based on Pyrogram library
Do it only on test telegram account
- Install Pyrogram
- Log in on the
- Go to API development tools
- Fill the fields and click Create Application
- Open in editor file
- Insert your data API_ID and API_HASH from step 4
- Set mode from 0 to 7
- Insert your data from url into variables from_channel and to_channel (For an example from channel copy and paste durov and same with your channel)
- To start write on terminal