This library can convert units of measurement for agro systems
For installation you can use cocoapods
pod 'units-swift'
For using pods you need to add custom source
source ''
For using this lib you need to get units table form Cropwise Operations api
let table = [
"length": "mile",
"area": "acre",
"weight": "tonn",
"machinery_weight": "pound",
"volume": "pint",
"tank_volume": "american_gallon",
"productivity": "tonn_per_ha",
"speed": "mile_per_hour",
"temperature": "fahrenheit",
"precipitation_level": "in",
"water_rate": "american_quart",
"wind_speed": "m_per_sec",
"fuel_consumption": "mile_per_uk_gallon",
"short_length": "ft",
"depth": "in",
"row_spacing": "cm",
"plant_spacing": "m"
do {
// Units support this languages - "de", "en", "uk", "es", "et", "bg", "cs", "hu", "pl", "ru", "pt"
let units = try Units(units: table, language: "es")
print(units.area.from(242)) // 597.74
print( // 241.99999999999997
print(units.area.localization.short) // "acre"
print(units.area.localization.full) // "Acre"
} catch let error {
Also you can use default units
do {
let units = try Units.default(language: "uk")
print(units.area.from(242)) // 242
print( // 597.74
print(units.area.localization.short) // "га"
print(units.area.localization.full) // "Гектар"
} catch let error {
Units updating
let table = [
"length": "mile",
"area": "acre",
"weight": "tonn",
"machinery_weight": "pound",
"volume": "pint",
"tank_volume": "american_gallon",
"productivity": "tonn_per_ha",
"speed": "mile_per_hour",
"temperature": "fahrenheit",
"precipitation_level": "in",
"water_rate": "american_quart",
"wind_speed": "m_per_sec",
"fuel_consumption": "mile_per_uk_gallon",
"short_length": "ft",
"depth": "in",
"row_spacing": "cm",
"plant_spacing": "m"
do {
var units = try Units.default(language: "en")
try units.update(units: table)
print(units.area.from(242)) // 597.74
print( // 241.99999999999997
print(units.area.localization.short) // "acre"
try units.update(units: table, language: "uk")
print(units.area.from(242)) // 597.74
print( // 241.99999999999997
print(units.area.localization.short) // "акр"
} catch let error {