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For more detailed project information visit: https://t0nyz.com/projects/bambuconveyor
The Bambu Conveyor is an application designed to manage the waste output of a Bambu Labs X1 3D printer. It utilizes the MQTT protocol to monitor the printer's status and control a motor that moves waste material away from the printing area.
- Breakout board for ESP32: https://amzn.to/4dyjsx0
- ESP32 board: https://amzn.to/4fBjh5L
- 12 Volt power supply: https://amzn.to/3AfIm6a
- Motor Controller: https://amzn.to/3yBPqcM
- 12V 10RPM Motor: https://amzn.to/3M24VOd
- Resistors (I use 1k Ohm): https://amzn.to/4cqCi8e
- Wires: https://amzn.to/46EAtn3
- LEDs sourced from this kit: https://amzn.to/4dH5Dw7
- Conveyor: https://makerworld.com/en/models/148083#profileId-161573
- The custom box I used: https://makerworld.com/en/models/576315#profileId-496900
- Conveyor Extension: https://makerworld.com/en/models/249714#profileId-359905
- Another Motor box housing: (Alternative option without LEDS but better motor mount): https://makerworld.com/en/models/164413#profileId-180494
- WiFi and MQTT Connectivity: Connects to a local WiFi network and communicates with the printer via MQTT
- Motor Control: Activates a motor to manage the printer's waste output based on the printer's status
- Web Server: Hosts a web server to provide manual control and configuration of the system
- Stage Monitoring: Monitors various stages of the printer to determine when to activate the motor
Enter your WiFi and MQTT credentials in the following variables:
// WiFi credentials
char ssid[40] = "your-ssid";
char password[40] = "your-password";
// MQTT credentials
char mqtt_server[40] = "your-bambu-printer-ip";
char mqtt_password[30] = "your-bambu-printer-accesscode";
char serial_number[20] = "your-bambu-printer-serial-number";
- ssid is your WIFI name
- password is the WIFI password
- mqtt_server is your Bambu Printers IP address
- mqtt_password is your Bambu printer access code as found on your printer
- serial_number is your Bambu printer serial number as found on your printer
The application uses the following GPIO pins for motor and LED control:
const int greenLight = 19;
const int yellowLight = 18;
const int redLight = 4;
int motor1Pin1 = 23;
int motor1Pin2 = 21;
int enable1Pin = 15;
Configure the motor run time and wait time:
int motorRunTime = 10000; // 10 seconds by default / I prefer 5000 as the poop doesnt come out fast enough for you to need anymore than that, but 10 seconds is just more exciting
int motorWaitTime = 5000; // The time to wait to run the motor. / We dont want the conveyor to run right when the status is detected, 5 seconds is just right in my case
int delayAfterRun = 120000; // Delay after motor run / We dont want it to run again anytime soon
Set the PWM properties for motor control:
const int freq = 5000;
const int pwmChannel = 0;
const int resolution = 8;
int dutyCycle = 220; // Motors power level (255 for full power) / I run just under that for no reason other than my own preference
- Connect the ESP32 to your computer.
- Open the code in the Arduino IDE.
- Enter your WiFi and MQTT credentials in the respective variables.
- Upload the code to the ESP32.
- Access the web server via the IP address assigned to the ESP32 to configure and control the application.
The application hosts a web server to provide manual control and configuration. Access the following URLs for different functionalities:
- Root URL: Opens Configuration page (
) - Control URL: Manual motor control page (
) - Config URL: Configuration page to update settings (
) - Logs URL: Log history page (
) - Manual Run URL: Opening this URL runs the motor manually (
What do the flashing lights mean when its first turned on?
- Flashing yellow only = Connecting to WiFi
- Solid Green = We are connected to Wifi and MQTT printer
- Red Light on bootup = No Wifi / No MQTT (Solid red also when conveyor is running)
- Green light / Yellow flashing = Wifi connected / Attempting to connect to printer
- Green light / Yellow solid = Wifi conncted / Issue connecting to printer via MQTT / Will reattempt connection after 5 seconds
The ESP32 doesnt connect to the printer
- Double check that your printer is setup with Access Code and LAN only mode is OFF See Bambu Wiki
- Double check your SN matches the settings you put in
- Make sure your printer has good Wifi signal
- Make sure the ESP32 has good Wifi signal
- Reach out to me if you still have issues
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
For more detailed project information visit: https://t0nyz.com/projects/bambuconveyor