A mighty small (thanks to a bit of Black_Magic) python package for all AlphaVantage financial API. Retrieve both historical and current financial data for stocks, forex and crypto, ... plus some nice metrics.
Install it however you want (git clone / pip)
import pyAlphaVantageAPI.AlphaVantageAPI as AVA
api = AVA.AlphaVantage(api_key=<your api key>)
#make a call with arguments as definied in AlphaVantage documentation
data = api.TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED(symbol=SYMBOL, datatype="csv", outputsize="full")
TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED can be replaced by any function in the documentation as long as it is part of the API and defined in api.functions_defs.
api.add_function_definitions(function_name, argument_list)