- programming of data structure and algorithms
- solutions to problems from some online programming judger sites
- practices of languages, framework, and theories
implementations to data structure and algorithms in categories, mainly C++
- binarysearch
- binarytree
- dynamicprogramming
- geometry
- graph
- linear
- linkedlist
- misc
- modematch
- multiwayTree
- numbertheory
- recursion
- sort
- stackqueue
- implementation of problems on oj.leetcode.com, including C++, java and python
- C++ unit test via googletest
- java unit test via junit, coverage via emma, both integrated in ant
- python unit test via unittest module
solutions to some typical interview problems
solutions to problems on wechat public account “待字闺中" in 2013-14
tutorial projects from book "beginning-python2"
practice of statistical process
- cpp/imageSearch
- py/imageSearch
pkg repository for blogger