Add support for hotkeys. #20
Hotkeys can be assigned to action in configuration file ex:
hk_<action_name> = g + shift + alt + ctrl
Available actions:
act_help - prints help
act_songlove - love song
act_songban - ban song
act_stationaddmusic - add music to station
act_stationcreate - create new station
act_stationdelete - delete station
act_songexplain - explain why this song is played
act_stationaddbygenre - add genre station
act_history - song history
act_songinfo - print information about song/station
act_addshared - add shared station
act_songnext - next song
act_songpausetoggle - pause/resume playback
act_quit - quit
act_stationrename - rename station
act_stationchange - change station
act_songtired - tired (ban song for 1 month
act_upcoming - upcoming songs
act_stationselectquickmix - select quickmix stations
act_bookmark - bookmark song/artist
act_voldown - decrease volume
act_volup - increase volume
act_managestation - delete seeds/feedback
act_stationcreatefromsong - create new station from song or artist
act_songplay - resume playback
act_songpause - pause playback
act_volreset - reset volume
act_settings - change settings