Welcome to Numerical Relativity Hub, an educational and project repository focused on the fields of numerical relativity, cosmology, and astrophysics. This repository serves as a central, version-controlled location for all the research materials, source codes, simulations, and documentation generated through my work.
The structure of this repository is designed to separate educational content from project-specific work, allowing for better organization, clarity, and collaboration. Some folders in this repository are git submodules, representing larger projects or collaborations with other people or organizations.
This directory contains all written materials, ranging from small notes to full papers.
- Notes: Short letters or informal notes that serve as quick references or observations.
- Reports: Progress reports or detailed documentation of the research process.
- Papers: Formal papers covering larger materials or detailed analysis of specific problems.
- [[References]]: All the references of this project together.
The source code for each standalone project or library I’m developing.
- project1/: An example of a project folder. Each project folder is independent and has a specific goal, whether it's developing a library or solving a particular problem in numerical relativity.
- project2/: Another example of a standalone project.
Utility scripts that help enhance the main projects. These include pre- and post-processing scripts, monkey patches, or any other tools that improve the behavior and usability of the projects.
All raw data associated with different projects and experiments.
This folder contains notebooks for idea exploration and calculation experiments, particularly in Mathematica or Jupyter formats.
- Exploratory Notebooks Notebooks for exploring different ideas, simulations, and approaches
- Educative Notebooks These notebooks provide better understanding of topics.
- Workflows These notebooks are workflows of an specific project.
Some directories in this repository are git submodules, representing larger projects or collaborations with different people or organizations. These submodules are managed separately from this central repository to maintain modularity and organization.
This repository is primarily for personal and collaborative work, but suggestions and contributions are always welcome. Feel free to open issues, submit pull requests, or offer feedback on the organization or content.
To get started, clone the repository and initialize the submodules:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/thisismeamir/num-rel-hub.git
For more specific instructions, see the individual project folders inside src/
Thank you for exploring Numerical Relativity Hub. If you have any questions or want to discuss further, feel free to open an issue or get in touch directly via [email protected].