This library is available on NuGet: Use the following command to install XmlSerializerHelper using NuGet package manager console:
PM> Install-Package XmlSerializerHelper
You can use this library in any .Net project which is compatible to PCL (e.g. Xamarin Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows Store, Universal Apps, etc.)
The following unit test shows how a simple .Net object of tpe SimpleSerializerClass is serialized to XML
// Arrange
IXmlSerializerHelper xmlSerializerHelper = new XmlSerializerHelper();
var obj = new SimpleSerializerClass { BoolProperty = true, StringProperty = "test" };
Type targetType = obj.GetType();
// Act
string serializedString = xmlSerializerHelper.SerializeToXml(obj);
// Assert
The following unit test shows the above serializedString can be deserialized again:
// Arrange
// ...
// Act
var deserializedObject = (SimpleSerializerClass)xmlSerializerHelper.DeserializeFromXml(targetType, serializedString);
// Assert
XsdValidator can be used to validate XML content against a given XSD schema.
// Arrange
string xmlContent = XmlTestData.GetValidXmlContent();
string xsdContent = XmlTestData.GetXsdMarkup();
IXsdValidator xsdValidator = new XsdValidator();
// Act
var validationResult = xsdValidator.Validate(xmlContent, xsdContent);
// Assert
There is a number of extension methods for type System.Object in ObjectExtensions. You can simply call SerializeToXml resp. DeserializeFromXml on any .Net object. Following unit tests gives an example:
// Arrange
float inputValue = 123.456f;
string expectedOuput = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>"+Environment.NewLine+"<float>123.456</float>";
// Act
var serializedString = inputValue.SerializeToXml();
// Assert
If you do not use an IoC framework, you can call XmlSerializerHelper.Current
to get a singleton instance of IXmlSerializerHelper.
string serializedString = XmlSerializerHelper.Current.SerializeToXml(value: new object(), preserveTypeInformation: false);
The same applies to XsdValidator.Current. However, it is advised to register the mentioned interfaces along with their respective implementations in an IoC framework, such as Unity, Autofac, Ninject, etc...
This project is Copyright © 2019 Thomas Galliker. Free for non-commercial use. For commercial use please contact the author.