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Peter Foley edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 4 revisions

WARNING: Outdated

Command Doc
!8ball Asks the Magic 8-Ball a question.
!about Returns info about the bot.
!acronym Generates a meaning for the specified acronym.
!admins Returns a list of admins. V = Verified (authed to NickServ), U = Unverified.
!ahamilto Emulates ahamilto.
!ahamilton Alias of !ahamilto
!award Award a medal.
!babble Babbles like a user
!bc Evaluates mathmatical expressions.
!bike I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like. It's got a basket, a bell that rings and things to make it look good. I'd give it to you if I could but I borrowed it.
!bingo Creates a bingo board.
!bjones Alias of !weather
!blame Blames a random user for something.
!bofh Alias of !fortune
!botsnack Causes the bot to snack on something.
!bug Alias of !issue
!cancel Cancels a deferred action (i.e. kills a thread) with the given name.
!channels Returns a listing of the current channels.
!choose Chooses between multiple choices.
!cidr Gets a CIDR range.
!clippy Informs a user that they are trying to do something and inquire if they want help
!coin Flips a coin a number of times.
!creffett Alias to !rage
!cve Gets info on a CVE id from MITRE's CVE database
!cveid Alias of !cve
!date Alias of !time
!ddate Returns the Discordian date.
!defersay Says something at a later time.
!define Gets the definition of a word.
!demorse Converts morse to ascii.
!dialup Pesters creffett to get dialup.
!distro Gets a random distro.
!ebay Implements xkcd 576.
!eix Runs eix with the given arguments.
!errno Return either a random value or the specified one from errno.h.
!excuse Alias of !fortune
!explain Explain things.
!filter Changes the output filter.
!fml Gets a random FML post
!fortune Returns a fortune.
!fweather Gets the FSCKING weather!
!fwilson Imitates fwilson.
!g Alias of !google
!gcc Compiles stuff.
!google Googles something.
!guarded Shows the currently guarded nicks.
!help Gives help.
!hooks Lists loaded hooks
!imdb Alias of !movie
!inspect Inspect a bot attribute.
!insult Insults a user.
!ipa Alias to !nato
!issue Files a github issue or gets a open one.
!isup Checks if a website is up.
!jargon Causes the bot to generate some jargon.
!kill Kills somebody.
!livedoc Alias to !wiki
!lmgtfy Alias to !explain
!math Alias to !bc
!meme Gets a random meme.
!microwave Microwaves something.
!mission Announces the mission.
!mode Sets a mode.
!morse Converts text to morse code.
!movie Gets a random movie.
!msg Sends a message to a channel.
!nato Converts text into NATO form.
!nuke Nukes somebody.
!pester Pesters somebody.
!pfoley Imitates pfoley.
!ping Ping something.
!poll Alias to !vote
!praise Praises something.
!pull Pull changes.
!quote Handles quotes.
!rage RAGE!!!
!randissue Alias to !skasturi
!random For when you don't have enough randomness in your life.
!reddit Gets a random Reddit post.r
!reverse Reverses a message.
!roman Convert a number to the roman numeral equivalent.
!s Corrects a previous message.
!score Gets scores.
!sdamashek Alias to !random
!seen When a nick was last seen.
!sha512 SHA512 hashes something.
!shibe Wow. So shibe. Such reaction. Amaze.
!skasturi Gives a a random, non-sensical issue.
!slap Slap somebody.
!slogan Gets a slogan.
!srepetsk Gets a random Reddit post.
!ssearch Searches steam.
!stats Gets stats.
!steam Gets steam status.
!stock Gets a stock quote.
!stopwatch Start/stops/resume/get stopwatch
!sw Alias to !stopwatch
!throw Throw something.
!time Tells the time.
!timeout Quiets a user, then unquiets them after the specified period of time.
!trans Alias to !translate
!translate Translate something.
!uptime Shows the bot's uptime.
!urban Gets a definition from urban dictionary.
!version Check the git revison.
!vote Handles voting.
!wai Gives a reason for something.
!weather Gets the weather.
!why Alias to !wai
!wiki Returns the first wikipedia result for the argument.
!wikipath Find a path between two wikipedia articles.
!wikipedia Alias to !wiki
!wolf Queries WolframAlpha.
!word Gets a random word.
!wtf Tells you what acronyms mean.
!xkcd Gets a xkcd comic.
!yoda To yoda-speak convert a message. Yeesssssss.
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