No! It is still in development and will break your project.
Muskrat is an easy to use database abstraction layer for MySql and SQLite databases.
Let's link to a database.
// sqlite...
$db = new Muskrat();
$db->setName('/path/to/db.sqlite'); //db name
// mysql...
$db = new Muskrat();
$db->setName('db'); //db name
$db->setHost('localhost'); // db host
Let's test if a table already exists in our database, and if the table does not exist, let's create it and add some fields to it.
if (!$db->tableExists($table_name))
$db->addField($table_name,'Time','BIGINT' );
$db->addField($table_name,'Title','varchar(100) default NULL' );
$db->addField($table_name,'WhereIs','varchar(100) default NULL');
$db->addField($table_name,'Tag','varchar(50) default NULL' );
Later, we may decide we wish to add another field to the table
$db->addField('User','expire_date','integer' );
The User
table is now the way we want it. Now let's add a record to it.
$db->createRecord('User', array(
"username" => "joe_user",
"password" => "pass1234"
Later, we decide to set some other fields in that record
array('username'=>'joe_user'), // define how to select record
"join_date" => time(), // update this field
"expire_date" => time() + 15552000 // update this field
Now, let's read that record and print the expire date.
$record = $db->readRecord('User',array('username'=>'joe_user'));
if ($db->lastquery_results==1)
echo date('F j, Y',$record['expire_date']);
echo "<pre>";
print_r($record); // there may be more than one record returned
Finally, let's delete that record.
We can also read a record set based on raw sql
$sql = "SELECT *";
$sql .= " FROM User ";
$sql .= " WHERE Time > '1314835200' ";
$sql .= " AND Volume > '1000' ";
$data_array = $db->readRecordSQL($mover_tbl,$sql);
At any time, we can obtain the status of our last operation
if ($db->lastquery_status!='ok')
$error = $db->lastquery_status;
if ($db->lastquery_results==0)
echo "There were no user's named 'jabowski'";
echo "Read " . $db->lastquery_results . " Twitter Records.";
At any time, we can obtain a list of the tables in the database
echo "<pre>";